
美国著名报纸《华盛顿邮报》前东主迈尔(Eugene I. Meyer)为该报制定的办报方针:

1.That the first mission of a newspaper is to tell the truth as nearly as the truth may be ascertained;

2.That the newspaper shall tell ALL the truth so far as it can learn it, concerning important affairs of America and the world;

3.That as a disseminator of news, the paper shall observe the decencies that are obligatory upon a private gentleman;

4. That what it prints shall be fit reading for the young as well as for the old;

5. That the newspaper’s duty is to its readers and to the public at large, and not to the private interests of its owner;

6. That pursuit of truth, the newspaper shall be prepared to make sacrifice of its material fortunes, if such course be necessary for the public good;

7.That the newspaper shall not be the ally of any special interest, but shall be fair and free and wholesome in its outlook on public affairs and public men;

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