
New employee …. 入职新员工
You are listening to Stevie Wonder 你在听Stevie Wonder
(It’s your first day at work and all is fine and great) (第一天上班,一切都很好)

After 3 months …. 3个月后
You are listening to HOUSE music 你在听HOUSE
(because you are so busy that you’re not sure if you’re coming or going) (因为你很忙,无法确定去留问题)

After 6 months …. 半年后
You are listening to Heavy Metal 你在听重金属
(your days start at 0800 and end at 2000) 你的一天从早上8点,直到晚上8点

After 9 months …. 9个月后
You are listening to Hip Hop 你在听嘻哈
(You become fat due to stress and now you suffer from constipation) (因为压力,你胖了,而且现在被便秘所困扰)

After a year …. 1年后
You are listening to GANGSTA RAP 你在听Gangsta rap
(Your eyes start to twitch, you forget what a ‘good hair day’ feels like as you fall out of bed and live on caffeine!!) (你的眼睛开始抽搐,忘记了梳理发型,就像从床上掉下来而且只靠咖啡因度日)

After a second year …. 2年后
You are listening to Techno 你在听Techno
and have gone a bit… well… crazy! 看起来你已经有点疯疯癫癫了

And finally, after n year …. 最后,n年之后

……………………Ash to ash, dust to dust 尘归尘,土归土……………………

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