



加拿大国会议员迪彻特(Bob Dechert)当日携哈珀总理的贺函到场宣读,祝贺协会的周年庆典及感谢华人媒体对加国社会的贡献。国会议员詹嘉礼、万锦市市长薜家平及安省公民及移民厅厅长陈国治亦专函致贺,万锦市市议员赵善江、烈治文山市市议员陈志辉、烈治文山市市议员高文(David Cohen)、中国驻多伦多总领事馆代总领事卢坤、新闻领事郭鑫及香港特别行政区驻多伦多经济贸易办事处副处长陈裕昌则亲临祝贺。


多伦多是海外华文媒体发展得较为完善的城市之一,也是华文媒体竞争最为激烈的战场之一。追溯多伦多华人媒体的发展,多伦多最早中文报刊计有1911 年前创刊的《洪门报》,是支援孙中山先生反清革命的刊物,另一份是在1922 年创刊的《醒华日报》,现今该两份报刊均已停办。今日,多伦多的华人媒体百花齐放,有数十家之多,涵盖报刊(日报、周报、月刊等)、电台和电视,还有为数众多的网站,估计约有千人从事与华文媒体相关的工作。




(部分嘉宾合影。左起:国会议员迪彻特(Bob Dechert)夫妇,中国驻多总领事馆代总领事卢坤,密市华商会荣誉会长胡子修,和平潭同乡会会长欧阳元森夫妇)


(国会议员迪彻特(Bob Dechert)宣读哈珀总理贺函)







  1. 小龙(女)


  2. jackjia (Post author)

    Bob’s Biography

    Before his election as Member of Parliament for Mississauga Erindale, Mr. Bob Dechert was a Senior Partner with Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP, Canada’s largest law firm.

    Throughout his career, Bob has had a close-up view of the issues faced by Canadian businesses, their employees and consumers.

    Active in Conservative Politics for over 35 years, Bob volunteered in both federal and provincial elections and served in various roles on all levels of National and Provincial organizations and campaigns. He has also served as president of the Empire Club of Canada and president of the British-Canadian Chamber of Trade and Commerce.

    Born in Brampton, Bob obtained an economics degree from McMaster University in Hamilton. He obtained his law degree from the University of Toronto, and was called to the bar in Ontario in 1985. He has also qualified as a solicitor in England and Wales.

    Bob was elected to the House of Commons on October 14th 2008, and currently serves on the following committees, caucuses and legislative associations:

    -Standing Committee on Finance;
    -Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics;
    -Ad-hoc Panel on Funding for Officers of Parliament;
    -Chair of the Community Relations Caucus;
    -Vice-Chair of the GTA Caucus;
    -Vice Chair of Canada-China Legislative Association;
    -Member of the Auto Caucus;
    -Member of the Ontario Caucus and National Caucus;
    -Member of the Canada-Japan Legislative Association;
    -Member of the Canada-US Legislative Association; and
    -Member of the Canada-UK Legislative Association.

    Bob has lived in Mississauga for many years with his wife Ruth Clark.

    Bob Dechert

    Bob Dechert (born 1958) is a Canadian politician and lawyer. He was elected to represent the electoral district of Mississauga—Erindale in the 2008 Canadian federal election. He is a member of the Conservative Party.

    Dechert was born in Brampton, Ontario and graduated from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario with a BA degree in economics. He attended law school at the University of Toronto and was called to the Bar of Ontario in 1985. He joined the law firm of Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP and is a senior partner at the firm.

    Canada-China Legislative Association



    OBJECTIVE: The Canadian Group of the Canada-China Legislative Association (CCLA) provides a forum for the discussion of bilateral and multilateral challenges facing the two countries. It promotes the exchange of information between Canadian parliamentarians and representatives of the National Peoples’ Congress of the Peoples’ Republic of China in order to encourage better understanding and closer ties between the two countries.

    A key component of CCLA activities consists of annual bilateral meetings between Canadian federal parliamentarians and their counterparts from the National People’s Congress.

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