

温家宝踏雪访剑桥 学生打出”我爱宝宝”标语(图)


中新网伦敦2月2日电(记者 张朔)当地时间二月二日下午,即将结束访英和访欧行程的中国总理温家宝踏雪到访剑桥大学,受到学子们的热烈欢迎。有的学生甚至还打出了中文标语:“我爱宝宝。”中新社记者 张朔 摄

中国总理被扔鞋 中方外交部表示强烈不满








温家宝遭「鞋袭」的消息,包括英国广播公司(BBC)、「泰晤士报」 (The Times)、「每日电讯报」 (The Daily Telegraph)等媒体都以显著版面报导。





这位年约20出头的男子,随即脱下鞋子,朝温家宝掷去,但未击中,大喊「这是个丑闻」,并呼吁在场观众站起来抗议,质疑温家宝。未久安全人员即把这名男子架走。 这突如其来的抗议举动,令温家宝暂停数分钟,才再继续未完的演讲。他说,「这种卑劣的行为,不会影响中国与英国的友谊」,获得台下以中国学生居多的观众热烈掌声。之后未免再有「意外」发生,安全人员都上台严密防备。

温家宝结束演说后,转往白金汉宫参加由英国安德鲁王子 (Duke of York)举办的农历春节庆祝活动,晚间搭机返回北京。

Shoe Thrown At Chinese Premier

4:01am UK, Tuesday February 03, 2009

A protester has been arrested and charged by police after throwing a shoe at Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao as he delivered a speech at Cambridge University.

The shoe thrown in protest is removed by a security guard

The shoe landed on the stage about a metre from the Chinese leader as he was coming to the end of his speech.

The demonstrator was arrested and has been charged with committing a public order offence.

Groups of pro-Chinese supporters had stood near the entrance to the hall as Mr Wen arrived.

At the same time, a group of demonstrators objecting to Chinese policy in Tibet was penned in a corner about 50 yards from the entrance.

Protest Interrupts Chinese Premier

Earlier, Gordon Brown had described the relationship between Britain and China as “a pivotal force” in helping the country through the recession.

“I believe that there is much scope for trade and investment to expand between our two countries even in these most difficult of times for the global economy,” Mr Brown said.

“The strength of the relationship between China and Britain will be a pivotal force in helping us through the downturn and a powerful driving force behind our future growth and prosperity.

“We know from previous downturns that a retreat to narrow, short-term protectionist policies would only serve to deepen the global recession and we must not and will not allow that to happen again.”

PM speaks about protectionism

Wen Jiabao and the British Prime Minister have been discussing efforts to tackle the economic downturn and boost trade in Downing Street before meeting business leaders.

Human rights were also on the agenda.

“The UK will continue through our regular dialogue to seek rapid progress towards all international human rights standards and I urge further dialogue on the Chinese government to resolve the underlying issues in Tibet,” the Prime Minister said during a news conference.

The first two days of Mr Wen’s visit were marred by noisy protests over human rights abuses in China and Tibet.

He is on a tour of Europe that also includes visits to Germany and Spain but not France.

He has reportedly snubbed the French because of a meeting last year between president Nicolas Sarkozy and the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet.


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