星报通讯社电/密西沙加市一名居民日前与警员对峙,双方僵持不下,最终还是由85岁的市长麦歌莲(Hazel McCallion)现身化解困局。
事发于刚过去的周四,65岁的莫雷诺(Thomas Moreno)与皮尔区警方对峙足足5小时。麦歌莲讲述当天情景时表示:“他向我挥手,甚至给我一个飞吻。”
Mississauga News周六报道,事发当天的较早时间,密市市府人员到达莫雷诺位于密市信用港(Port Credit)的居所,打算帮他清理屋外杂物,原因市府下令清理该所房屋的限期即将届满。但该名被区内居民称作“垃圾收藏家”的莫雷诺却误解了该张清理房屋令,以为市府人员前来驱逐他及拆毁他的房屋。
皮尔区警方周四早上11时接报到达密西沙加道(Mississauga Road)对开皇后西街(Queen Street West)的莫雷诺住所,尝试劝服莫雷诺,但他只是以粗鄙说话向警员破口大骂。
密市老翁屋顶与警对峙 85岁市长现身解困局
星岛环球网 www.singtaonet.com
【星岛网讯】密西沙加市一名居民日前与警员对峙,双方僵持不下,最终还是由85岁的市长麦歌莲(Hazel McCallion)现身化解困局。
事发于刚过去的周四,65岁的莫雷诺(Thomas Moreno)与皮尔区警方对峙足足五小时。麦歌莲讲述当天情景时表示:“他向我挥手,甚至给我一个飞吻”。
据《密西沙加新闻》(Mississauga News)报道,事发当天的较早时间,密市市府人员到达莫雷诺位于密市信用港(Port Credit)的居所,打算帮他清理屋外杂物,原因市府下令清理该所房屋的限期即将届满。但该名被区内居民称作“垃圾收藏家”的莫雷诺却误解了该张清理房屋令,以为市府人员前来驱逐他及拆毁他的房屋。
市府官员证实,从没计划拆毁莫雷诺的房屋。市府人员只是接到信用港居民多次投诉后作出相关行动。皮尔区警方周四早上11时接报到达密西沙加道(Mississauga Road)对开皇后西街(Queen Street West)的莫雷诺住所,尝试劝服莫雷诺,但他只是以粗鄙说话向警员破口大骂。当时正在出席会议的麦歌莲听闻莫雷诺的抗议行动后决定亲自前往协助谈判,并于周四下午4时抵达现场。
Toronto Star: It’s Mayor Hazel to the rescue
Apr. 16, 2006. 01:00 AM
Sometimes all it takes to end a standoff in the city of Mississauga is for the 85-year-old mayor to simply turn up.
“It’s the mayor. Come on down,” said Hazel McCallion to a man perched on a roof with a rope around his neck and staring down heavily armed Peel tactical officers.
“He waved at me and even blew me a kiss,” said McCallion when she arrived at the scene Thursday and ended a five-hour standoff between Peel police and Thomas Moreno, 65.
Earlier in the day, City of Mississauga officials arrived at Moreno’s Port Credit home to clean the outside of his property, because a city order to clean up the house was about to expire. But Moreno, who is known locally as “Tom the junk collector,” misunderstood the clean-up order, thinking they were going to evict him and tear down his house, the Mississauga News reported yesterday.
City officials confirmed there were never any plans to demolish the house. They were following up on numerous complaints from Port Credit residents. McCallion, who received word of Moreno’s protest while attending a meeting, decided to negotiate personally at 4 p.m. Peel police were called to the scene at Queen St. West, off Mississauga Rd., at 11 a.m. and tried to talk to Moreno, but he just shouted obscenities.