
加拿大海军周二在哈利法克斯及维多利亚两地举行盛大巡游,庆祝成立100周年。在哈利法克斯,1,000名海军士兵由海军造船厂巡游至市政厅前的Grand Parade广场,加军参谋总长纳廷齐克将军(Walter Natynczyk)发表讲话。在渥太华,海军中将麦克法登(Dean McFadden)向加拿大人民赠送一枚军舰大钟。总理哈珀在参议院宣布,周二为加拿大海军百年纪念日。



不过,在欢乐庆祝的氛围中,隐然透出为失去一名同袍的丝丝哀伤,数周前奉命前往阿富汗执勤的37岁海军下士贝克(Petty Officer 2nd Class Craig Blake)周一在距离坎大哈西南地区的小村落遭路边炸弹袭击丧生,遗下妻子和两名儿子。

自1759年起已建有海军船坞的哈里法斯市,1,000名海军人员周二在耀眼的阳光下由HMC船坞起步,前往哈里法斯市会堂出席大规模阅兵仪式。沿着海军军士路经的宾士域街(Brunswick St.),数以百计市民不停挥舞纸制的加国国旗,其中不少是儿童,当精神抖擞,眼向前望的海军军士步过时,众人都有礼地鼓掌欢迎。

加国军方参谋总长纳堤茨克上将(Gen.Walter Natynczyk)是日向2,000名阵容整齐的男女军人发表讲话时表示,天气如此晴朗,毫无疑问,阳光正在照耀着加国的海军。


另一边厢,总理哈珀在渥太华主持纪念仪式,加国海军司令麦克法登中将(Vice-Admiral Dean McFadden)将海军船舰用来值班报时的钟送赠加国国民。是日参议院内瞩目所见都是穿着整齐制服的军人,他们此刻聚在一起为的是听着总理宣布周二是加国海军成立百周年的大日子。一名海军上士敲响了8下钟声,象征4小时一更的值班时间。那钟子是仿制卑诗省艾斯奎玛特海军基地(CFB Esquimault)的钟子,后者曾经用全球各大海洋的海水祝福。

在参议院出席仪式的人士是日全体起立,为在阿富汗执勤时不幸丧生的海军下士贝克默哀一分钟。来自安省闪高郡(Simcoe)的贝克是海军拆弹潜水员,今次被派往阿富汗是专责拆除爆炸品的工作。海军少将麦迪逊(Paul Maddison)是大西洋海军指挥官,他是日代表军方为派驻哈里法斯海军基地的贝克致敬,他表示,为一位海军人员的牺牲深感悲伤,谨向他妻子和两名儿子表达衷心关切。

在维多利亚市,加西海军舰队是日以一项具百年历史的传统展开各项庆祝活动。海军少将派利(Tyrone Pile)步行来到维多利亚市会堂的前门,敲门3次,说道数千名海军正在城内,他们要求让这城获得自由,继由维多利亚市市长霍田批准这要求,是项仪式要追溯至15世纪的英国,当时军队获准入城。


Date: May 4, 2010

PMO Press Office

OTTAWA – Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced today that the Government of Canada is designating May 4th, 2010, as Canadian Navy Centennial Day to mark the Royal Canadian Navy’s 100th anniversary of service. The announcement was made during a ceremony in the Senate Chamber on Parliament Hill during which a ship’s bell was presented to the people of Canada by the Navy to show their continued commitment to serve.

“The founding of Canada’s navy represents a proud milestone in our history,” said Prime Minister Harper. “In the past 100 years our sailors have developed a reputation for bravery, skill and professionalism from combat in both world wars and Korea to current actions such as delivering aid to Haiti and combating piracy and terrorism in the Arabian Sea. Our Government will continue with its efforts to re-equip Canada’s navy, providing them with the new ships and upgrades needed to get the job done.

“This is a momentous occasion. The navy is honoured by today’s proclamation, and we hope that Canadians will join us in recognizing this milestone in Canadian history,” said Vice-Admiral Dean McFadden, Chief of the Maritime Staff.

“The Centennial Bell rededicates the Navy’s commitment to the people of Canada for the next 100 years of service. It stands as a symbol that honours the past, celebrates the Royal Canadian Navy’s achievements and recognizes the navy’s safeguarding of Canadian values of freedom, democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law,” said Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence.

The Royal Canadian Navy is planning several events on May 4th and throughout 2010 to mark this significant moment in Canada’s naval history within the context of the centennial theme of “Bring the Navy to Canadians.” Events are aimed at honouring the past, showcasing the current navy and reinforcing the requirement for the future navy.



The Making of the Centennial Bell

The Canadian Navy Centennial Bell is a 12-inch bell normally installed in a frigate or destroyer. Weighing about 50-pounds, it will be suitably engraved in celebration of the Canadian Naval Centennial. Adding special meaning and history to the bell is that it is cast from material collected and donated to represent the century of naval service that the bell celebrates. Included amongst the artefacts are navigation tools, cap badges, shell casings, uniform buttons, boatswains call, ship’s fittings and equipment and even flammable items such as pieces of uniform, letters and photographs that vaporized and added essence when the metal items were melted down. The artefacts represent ships, submarines, naval air and the men and women of the entire period from 1910 to 2010.

The bell was cast by sailors at the Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Breton Foundry located in HMC Dockyard at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt in Victoria, during a ceremony on Sept. 30, 2009. The casting was polished and engraved by the artisans at the Fleet Maintenance Facility and is expected to serve as a piece d’art when the Navy celebrates it second century in 2110.

The Bell Rope

The Bell is accompanied with a colourful rope chosen from amongst several created by sailors across Canada in a national competition.

The Bell Book

A book will accompany the Centennial Bell to highlight the history of the bell and display the variety of artefacts it is made from. The book will record the participants at the casting and dedication ceremonies, the winner of the bell rope contest, and will be supported by photographs and art.

Navy Waters Collection

Throughout 2009 Canadian naval ships and submarines were tasked to collect water from Canada’s three oceans – Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic, as well the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Great Lakes, and an international theatre of operations. The water samples reflect the country’s domestic maritime interests and the navy’s international operations. On Battle of Atlantic weekend in Halifax (April 30 – May 2, 2010) there was be a ceremony aboard the Second World War Corvette, HMCS SACKVILLE, Canada’s Naval Memorial, when the six water samples, symbolic of the navy’s history and missions, were combined together as a national collection. The combined waters will be an important aspect of the dedication ceremony in Ottawa on May 4, 2010.

Centennial Bell Ceremony

On the 100th anniversary of the Naval Service Act, May 4, 2010, the bell will be the center piece of a ceremony in Ottawa to rededicate the navy to the next 100 years of service to Canada. The bell will be christened with the combined waters and presented to the people of Canada as a gift in perpetuity, and sounded as a promise of loyal service for the next 100 years. The bell with its rope and book will be a permanent reminder to all Canadians that Canada is a maritime nation dependant upon the oceans for our national prosperity.

For more information on the Canadian Naval Centennial visit: