
Chinatown takes steps to clean up its image
Last Updated: Tuesday, July 8, 2008 | 9:25 AM ET CBC News

Merchants and business owners in Toronto’s Chinatown say their area has an image problem and they’re going to do their best to correct it — starting with the rats.

For years, the fruit stands, grocery stores and restaurants that give the shops on and around Spadina Avenue such character have heard complaints about dirty streets, rotting garbage and bad smells.

Business owners have done their best to eliminate the problems. Every night, the garbage is put into bins and bags with the cardboard boxes neatly folded and left out for pickup. Every night, many of the merchants hose down the sidewalks.

But Stephen Chan, the chair of the Chinatown Business Improvement Area, says all the restaurants and food stores on Spadina mean lots of food on the street.

Chan said there’s no getting around it — where there’s food, there are rats.

Chan said the problem isn’t any worse in Chinatown than anywhere else in Toronto, but unfortunately people seem to think it is.

“Chinatown is actually not that dirty. It’s a high-traffic area. I feel we’re being identified as not clean in this area,” said Chan.

Chinatown is also one of the city’s most important tourist districts, so the BIA has hired a pest control company to install rat traps in Chinatown’s back alleys.

Traps aren’t enough: restaurant owner
“So it’s just one of things we feel that in this area we should address. And maybe hopefully it’ll strike down some of this stigma,” said Chan.

At the Dumpling House Restaurant, owner Dali Sun supports the idea. But he said using traps alone isn’t enough.

Sun said garbage pickup only happens twice a week, not enough for the hundreds of trash bags that are piled up along Spadina.

“Every single restaurant, including our restaurant, have to clean up our front area. It’s really dirty in this area.”

He said what Chinatown really needs is more trash cans and more garbage collection.

“If the rats cannot find food on the street, they’ll go somewhere else,” he said.

Sun said he hopes Chinatown will be cleaned up soon. He said people aren’t eating and shopping there as much anymore because of its reputation.


1 Comment

  1. jackjia (Post author)

    多管齐下 改善环境.华埠严抓治安卫生









    陈透露,早前已获多市议会通过在嘉甸拿高速公路(Gardiner Expressway)士巴丹拿道(Spadina Ave.)东行线和西行线出口附近装置指引前往中区华埠的路牌,今年9月初将由市府工作人员安装。路牌注有“唐人街”中文字及“Chinatown”英文字,为驾车前往中区华埠的中西访客,提供驾驶指引。

    此外,会方日前接获市内另一个商业促进区致送的一个以2008年北京奥运为主题的摆放单车支架,会方稍后将安排置放在士巴丹拿道与登打士西街(Dundas St. West)交界龙城商场对出的行人路。


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