
(星星生活记者捷克佳)“当年戴高乐在蒙特利尔高呼‘自由魁北克万岁’导致法国和加拿大外交关系紧张的这段历史并不遥远,这两天传出加拿大议员计划秋季访问台湾,真是好了伤疤忘了疼!” 加拿大加中友谊发展促进会会长王家明说。

据报道,由加拿大自由党国会议员斯格罗(Judy Sgro)率领的加拿大议员代表团计划于10月访问台湾。她说,尽管这次访问可能会引起中国的强烈反对,但她仍然会去。斯格罗是加拿大-台湾友好小组的主席,预计该小组的其他八名成员将随行。
















Once on shore, they pray no more! Wang Jiaming, president of the Canada-China Friendship Development and Promotion Association of Canada, angrily criticized the Canadian parliamentarians’ plan to visit Taiwan

By: Jack Jia “Chinese New Star Media”
Translated by: Wendy Lang “Reciter: Elites of Overseas”

(New Star reporter Jack Jia)Wang Jiaming, president of Canada-China Friendship Development and Promotion Association, said: “The history, When Charles de Gaulle shouted ‘Long live a free Quebec’ in Montreal that strained diplomatic relations between France and Canada, is not far away. The news came that Canadian parliamentarians are planning a fall visit to Taiwan. It’s really as the old saying: once on shore, they pray no more!

According to reports, a delegation of Canadian lawmakers, led by Canadian Liberal MP Judy Sgro, plans to visit Taiwan in October. She said she would go even though the visit was likely to draw strong opposition from China. Sgro is the chairman of the Canada-Taiwan Friendship Group, and eight other members of the group are expected to accompany her.

Wang Jiaming pointed out that the Canadian parliamentarians’ visit to Taiwan is to gain attention, only to show her sense of existence, but it grossly interferes in China’s internal affairs, wildly provokes the One-China principle, and seriously damages the Canada-China relations, which have been at its low ebb already.

He said the world is not perfect and full of challenges, but the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries need to be fully respected. In retrospect, Canada also threatened to break up over Quebec, as did Britain and the United States. It is a matter of great importance for the governments of these countries to prevent their own secession. China, too, faces the issue of Taiwan, which has been divided for decades.

He indicated: “China is in the process of achieving its own reunification, while some reunified countries are at risk of fragmentation. So, if you encourage the forces that split China, you encourage splitting your own country.”

“With congresswoman Sgro’s political experience, she should not forget the consequences of Charles de Gaulle’s incitement of Quebec independence on Canadian soil, as well as the national turmoil of the Quebec October Crisis. Although there will be different excuses for this visit to Taiwan, as a member of the Canadian Parliament, she is standing up for the Taiwan independence forces, which is absolutely intolerable.”

Wang Jiaming, who has been committed to China-Canada friendship, said: Canada is recognized as a peace-loving country in the world. Many Chinese immigrated here to live and work in peace and contentment, not only because of their admiration for the well-known Dr. Bethune, but also for Canada as one of the first Western countries to establish diplomatic relations with China. Specially, Trudeau Sr., the father of the current Prime Minister Trudeau, is admirable for his strategic vision and grand pattern in promoting the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Canada.

He understood that as a close neighbor of the United States, it is natural for Canada and the United States to have friendly relations. After all, the two countries have close economic and trade exchanges and similar political systems. However, Canada should not act as a follower of the US hegemony and take China as an adversary. “Canada-US friendship should not affect Canada-China relations, and Canada should not and have no reason to be opposed to China.”

Wang Jiaming expressed that for a country with a large population and economy like China, it is a heavyweight economic and trade partner in the world. China and Canada are highly complementary in economy, trade and finance. A wise government should tread cautiously in its dealings with China, trying to smooth over and repair a broken relationship, where the reckless actions of wayward officials can do great damage.

He said that Canada-China friendship is very important to the Chinese and overseas Chinese living in Canada, and the ultimate victims of the madness against China are all Chinese. “It is not stamped on your forehead whether you are from mainland China or Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau. To outsiders, you are Chinese.”

At a recent event hosted by Mary Ng, Canadian Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade, Wong asked Ng to convey three suggestions to Prime Minister Trudeau: the first is that more than 80-90% of the Chinese and overseas Chinese in Canada hope for friendship between Canada and China. The second is that Canada should not over-select sides between China and the United States. The third is that it is not a wise move that the Canadian Defense Minister of Indian descent will send two Canadian warships to the Asia-Pacific. The Taiwan Strait issue has nothing to do with Canada.

He hopes that Minister Mary Ng will have the opportunity to convey the wishes of the people to Prime Minister Trudeau. “Supporting Canada-China friendship is the aspiration of most of our overseas Chinese!”

In response to Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi’s recent visit to Taiwan, a number of Chinese associations, including Chinese Canadian for China’s Reunification (Greater Toronto), the Confederation of Toronto Chinese Canadian Organizations and Canada Confederation of Fujian Associations, expressed strong indignation and firm opposition.

Chinese Canadian for China’s Reunification (Greater Toronto) also held a symposium to discuss the white paper “Taiwan Issue and China’s Reunification in the New Era”, expressing support for the measures taken by the Chinese government to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as confidence in the unification of the two sides of the strait.

Photo 1
【Wang Jiaming participated in organizing the 2008 rally of 10,000 people against Tibetan independence and in support of the Beijing Olympics, which was held at the Capitol Hill in Ottawa, Canada.】

Photo 2
【Wang Jiaming spoke at the forum of Chinese Canadian for China’s Reunification (Greater Toronto)】

Photo 3
【Chinese Canadian for China’s Reunification (Greater Toronto) held a symposium】