在警方提供的图片中,这名亚裔男子和在逃通缉犯吴伟国(Wu Wei Guo,音译)并肩步行。该男子身穿黑衣黑裤,留黑色短发,手中拿着一个塑胶袋;身边的吴伟国戴一顶黑白条纹帽,穿花纹外套、牛仔裤。
皮尔郡警官米尼恩(Adam Minnion)表示,警方暂不能透露这辆汽车在绑架案中的作用。米尼恩说,尽管此名男性看起来年纪较轻,但警方无法肯定此男子的大概年龄,其他特征也不能确定。
警方于12日在位于万锦市163 Edward Jefferys Ave.的一处民宅发现一具疑似韩建国的尸骸,而数月前,警方曾对该房屋内部、后院草地展开调查,但无结果。周围居民称,警方曾在后院挖掘数个坑穴,至今仍有挖掘后留下的碎石土屑。
-Peel Police – Investigator’s Seek to Identify a Suspect Involved in the Kidnapping of Mr. Tony Han
Peel Police – Investigator’s Seek to Identify a Suspect Involved in the Kidnapping of Mr. Tony Han
July 15, 2011
Mississauga – Officers investigating the kidnapping of Jianguo (Tony) HAN and (Johnny) Xiu Jun FEI, are seeking the public’s assistance to help them identify an unknown male involved in the crime.
On Thursday, January 20, 2011, Peel Police attended an address on Featherston Drive, in response to a complaint of two missing men; Mr. (Johnny) Xiu Jun FEI and Jianguo (Tony) HAN. The investigation determined that the two men had been kidnapped.
Investigators have identified a male suspect who they believe was responsible for driving a vehicle involved in the kidnapping. The male can only be described as Asian, with no further physical descriptions. Associated to this suspect is a red-coloured mini-van, of an unknown make or model.
In addition, officers are still searching for suspect Wei Guo WU, who police allege is also involved in this matter. A warrant for his arrest is still in place. Mr. WU is described as male, Asian, 5’7” tall, weighing 170 lbs., with black hair and brown eyes.
Photos of the unidentified suspect, walking with suspect Wei Guo WU, are available. The unidentified suspect is the individual dressed in black clothing.
To view a photo of this suspect, please select the following link: [photo1] [photo2].
A photo of Wei Guo WU can be seen by clicking the following link; [WU].
Anyone with information on the identity of the unknown suspect, or Wei Guo WU, is asked to contact investigators at the 11 Division Criminal Investigation Bureau, (905) 453-2121, ext. 1133, Peel Regional Police communications, (905) 453-3311, or through your local police service. Information may also be left anonymously by calling Peel Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), or by visiting www.peelcrimestoppers.ca.
For media inquiries, please contact the on-duty Media Relations Officer at (905) 453-2121, ext. 4027.