

(Race riot in China!!!Han VS Uygur!!)

(Race riot in China ! Han VS Uygur NO.2)


June 28, 2009


2009年5月 位于广东省韶关的旭日玩具厂 应政府要求从新疆省招收几百民维吾尔族工人。维吾尔工人由于是属政府政策保护的少数民族,因而经常进行不法活动。在厂内多次进行抢劫与强奸。

6月14日 发生了第一起强奸案件,5名维吾尔工人轮奸了一名汉族女员工。案犯居然仅被工厂开除,遣送回新疆,而不受任何法律制裁,没过多久又有一名汉族女职工被数十名新疆籍维族职工拖入宿舍,轮奸致死。案发后警察再度不作为,未对嫌疑犯做出任何控诉。

2009年6月22日晚,又有几名维吾尔族工人 欲对某女性职工进行性侵犯未遂。女职工向工厂保安求救,保安带着受害者来到新疆籍员工宿舍认人,维族员工于是将保安围住对其进行威胁,保安见状,居然拒绝处理而离开。之后,数十名维吾尔人在职工楼下聚集 对楼上的汉族员工进行漫骂,之后在宿舍楼上围观的几百名汉族人开始与其对骂,维族人情 绪激动 又叫来近百人。


至晚22时许,十几名汉族员工,手持钢管利器,冲向新疆籍职工宿舍,殴打维吾尔族员工,骚乱一触即发!维吾尔人也拿起棍棒进行反击。他们冲入工厂厂房,见到汉族人就打,无 论男女。

此时 汉族工人一呼百应,从原先的十几人 瞬间变成几百人,后达到几千人!他们让女性维吾尔人躲到安全处,然后对男性维吾尔人展开疯狂报复!在人数上占绝对劣势 的情况下,维族人开始溃散,很多人翻过铁丝网和围墙,从后山逃走。


此次种族骚乱,共有逾2千人(也有称达5000人之多)参与,造成120人受伤,16 人重伤,2名维吾尔人死亡的结果。

从事件的起因 不难看出,政府在民族政策上的失衡,警察与司法界的不作为 才是导致两个民族矛盾升级,最后爆发动乱的根本原因,中国政府应当深刻反思其民族政策 。不再让悲剧重演。

Uygur criminals being punished by Hans in China factory

In May 2009, about 800 Uygur workers were sent from Northwest China to a factory located in Southeast. From May to June, it was reported that some of the Uygurs raped and even killed Han hinese girls, caused at least one death and one mad. But the local government rejected all the cases because of China government’s protection policy towards the minor races(since 1980s).

At night of June 25th, one Han female worker was insulted by several Uygurs. Factory guardsman tried to accuse the Uygurs but was threatened. Han workers could not tolerate this and the two sides started shouting at each other. It soon led to the huge fight.

In the starting of the riot, Uygurs with knives and other tools attacked Hans and even? female workers in the workshop. According to witnesses some local police at the spot didn’t prevent them. Han Chinese males were forced to fight back with extreme anger. The riot lasted for hours, resulted in the death of several Uygurs and Hans. It was said that even Han females were killed by Uygurs in the
riot, while Han workers protected Uygur females from the fight.

China government’s annoucement only describes the death of two Uygurs, but denieds the rape crime and death of Han workers. This biased result is untolerable to Chinese people.

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