20230503/“太阳报抄写员”Thane Burnett在26年后告别/记者Journalist和记者Reporter有什么区别?

因赴四川灾区采访队与Thane Burnett有过一面之缘,网络上寻找到的一篇他告别太阳报的文章,收录于此。本文原发于2013年12月20日多伦多太阳报网站。

Sun Scribe Thane Burnett bids farewell after 26 years
Author of the article:Thane Burnett

Published Dec 20, 2013 • Last updated Dec 21, 2013 • 3 minute read

Thane Burnett dips his feet into English Bay to close off his Retro Canada trip in Vancouver, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, CARMINE MARINELLI/QMI AGENCY
2013年3月27日星期三,Thane Burnett 踏入英吉利湾结束他在温哥华的复古加拿大之旅,CARMINE MARINELLI/QMI AGENCY

I can see the bartender tapping his watch.

So I guess it’s time I gathered up my coat and headed out.

But before I go, and you’ve been great to sit and listen to my stories, I’d like to pass along a few parting words.

Not any great wisdom. More like a period at the end of a last sentence.
没有什么大智慧。 更像是最后一句话末尾的句号。

After 26 years of telling tales for Sun Media, another four with a Halifax paper, I am no longer their reporter. Though I guess I still qualify as a journalist.
在为 Sun Media 讲故事26年后,另外四年在哈利法克斯报纸上,我不再是他们的记者。虽然我想我仍然有资格成为一名记者。

Years ago, I stood with a group to meet Prince Charles. He was introduced to our motley band with someone explaining: “Your highness, these are a few local reporters.”
多年前,我和一群人站在一起会见查尔斯王子。 他被介绍给我们的杂牌乐队,有人解释道:“殿下,这些是当地的几位记者。”

“What’s the difference between a journalist and a reporter?” the prince asked.
“记者journalist和记者reporter有什么区别?” 王子问道。

A veteran among us chimed in: “A reporter is a journalist who has a job.”

So I am no longer a reporter or ‘Sun Scribe’ — the scrappy moniker used by my peers in the newsroom since 1971. And, because of the complicated marketplace of the business, I may never be a newsman again.
因此,我不再是一名记者reporter或“太阳报抄写员Sun Scribe”——自1971年以来我的新闻编辑室同事们使用的一个斗志旺盛的绰号。而且,由于商业市场的复杂性,我可能永远不会再成为一名新闻记者newsman。

Beyond being a husband and dad and, on better days, a good man, I’ve always seen myself as a news writer. And my stories have always been for you — until now.
除了成为丈夫和父亲,在美好的日子里,成为一个好男人,我一直认为自己是一名新闻作家。 我的故事一直都是为你而写的——直到现在。

I see you looking at me with a certain unease. Don’t.

These years have flown by in endless rounds of adventures. If you had told me at 20 years old how I would spend the next three decades, I would have paid to live through it.

Did I tell you once, while at the Calgary Sun, a Blackfoot elder guided me through a vision-quest involving me going without food and water, and being left in the wilderness for four days? Or the time I was, after I joined the Toronto Sun, smuggled into a South American prison? That a Canadian soldier dove in front of me to protect me from incoming fire in Afghanistan?
我有没有告诉过你一次,在卡尔加里太阳报时,一位黑脚族长老带领我完成了一次视觉探索,其中包括我没有食物和水,并被留在荒野中四天? 还是我在加入多伦多太阳队后偷渡到南美监狱的那段时间? 一名加拿大士兵冲到我面前保护我免受阿富汗炮火的袭击?

Oh, ya, I guess I did tell you.

Wait, what about how I felt in earthquake-ravaged China, or on the island of Montserrat during a volcano that melted my boots, or in remote India where I followed a trail of AIDS patients, or Oklahoma City on the day of the bombing or inside Ground Zero’s ‘frozen zone’ on 9/11 or finding Biddy Baby, a tough Louisiana swamp-man whose family stubbornly rode out hurricanes Katrina and Rita inside a bandit’s camp?
等等,在遭受地震蹂躏的中国,或者在火山熔化我的靴子时在蒙特塞拉特岛,或者在偏远的印度,我追踪艾滋病患者的踪迹,或者在轰炸当天的俄克拉荷马城或 在9月11日在Ground Zero的“冰冻地带”内,还是找到Biddy Baby,一个坚韧的路易斯安那州沼泽人,他的家人顽固地在强盗营地内度过了卡特里娜飓风和丽塔飓风?

You’re right. I told you them all, right here.
你说得对。 我都告诉你了,就在这里。

I just really appreciate the time you gave me.

And I’ve always been aware they were never my stories. I just carried them to you.
而且我一直都知道它们从来都不是我的故事。 我只是把它们带给你。

I know there are plenty of louder voices — those demanding you feel outrage about this or screaming the other guy shouldn’t be allowed to believe that.

But behind these obnoxious characters, there are as many as 13,000 journalists working in Canada — many quietly knocking on doors or jumping on planes so you’ll know the full truth of a story.
但在这些令人讨厌的角色背后,有多达 13,000 名在加拿大工作的记者——许多人悄悄敲门或跳上飞机,以便您了解故事的全部真相。

Is the industry dying? No, though it is going through serious growing pains that many other trades have known.
这个行业正在消亡吗? 不,尽管它正在经历许多其他行业都知道的严重的成长痛苦。

In fact, there are apparently — despite corporate shakeups — as many journalists in this country as a decade ago.

How do I know? A journalist dug into it and told me so.
我怎么知道? 一位记者深入研究并告诉我。

Showmen like Rush Limbaugh like to routinely call out the flaws of ‘mainstream journalism’. But Limbaugh, and those like him, simply feed off of the work done by reporters who daily venture out to ask questions and bring you back answers.
像Rush Limbaugh这样的表演者喜欢例行公事地指出“主流新闻”的缺陷。 但是林博和像他这样的人,只是从记者所做的工作中汲取营养,这些记者每天都冒险出去问问题,然后给你带回答案。

Yes, I have worries about journalism. We all do. But I believe in storytelling and the need to be informed when there are sirens blaring on the street outside, or when a government is throwing its citizens in prison a half world away.
是的,我担心新闻业。 大家都这样做。 但我相信讲故事,当外面的街道上响起警笛时,或者当政府将其公民投入半个世界之外的监狱时,我相信需要被告知。

Better journalists than me have died believing the same thing.

If I do decide to replace my pen with a hammer or rake, to give up what I’ve been doing for so long now, I’ll still wander in here each day — now to listen rather than tell.

I just thought it was important, if these are the last words I write for a newspaper, that you know having you sit with me to hear my many stories has been a great honour.

And with one hand on the door latch and the other over my heart, be sure I always tried my very best, knowing you were waiting right here.


What is The Difference Between A Journalist and A Reporter?

Have you ever heard the terms “journalist” and “reporter” used interchangeably and wondered if there was a difference between the two? While both professions involve gathering and disseminating information to the public, there are distinct differences between the roles and responsibilities of a journalist and a reporter. In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between these two important professions and help you determine which career path might be right for you. Whether you’re interested in print, television, online, or radio journalism, it’s important to understand the unique skills and responsibilities required for each role. So, let’s dive in and take a closer look at the difference between a journalist and a reporter.

Who is a journalist?

A journalist is a professional who collects, writes, and disseminates news and information to the public. This can include writing articles, producing radio or television broadcasts, or creating content for online news platforms. Journalists may work for a variety of media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television networks, or online news websites.

The main goal of a journalist is to inform the public about important events, issues, and trends, and to provide a fair and accurate account of these events. In order to do this, journalists must be able to research and gather information from a variety of sources, and must also be able to write clear, concise, and engaging articles or broadcasts that accurately convey this information to the public.

Who is a reporter?

Reporters, a type of journalist, specialize in gathering and reporting news. They typically work for news organizations, where they are responsible for gathering information on a specific topic or event and creating articles or broadcasts to share this information with the public.

Reporters may work on a variety of stories, ranging from breaking news to in-depth investigative pieces. They may also be responsible for covering specific beats, such as politics, sports, or entertainment. To do their job effectively, reporters need to research and collect information from different sources and write content or broadcasts that convey the information to the public.

Key Differences Between Journalists and Reporters

Despite sharing many similarities, journalists and reporters have some notable differences that distinguish them from one another. Some of these differences include:

Scope of work: Journalists often cover a wide range of stories and work across various media formats, while reporters tend to concentrate on collecting and disseminating news.

Specialization: Journalists may specialize in a particular area, such as business journalism or cultural journalism, while reporters typically specialize in gathering and reporting news.

Responsibilities: Journalists may have a wider range of responsibilities, including writing articles, producing radio or television broadcasts, or creating content for online platforms. Reporters, on the other hand, typically focus on collecting and disseminating information.

Skills: Both journalists and reporters require strong research and writing skills, as well as the ability to gather and analyze information from a variety of sources. However, journalists may also need additional skills depending on the type of media they work in, such as video production skills for television journalists or web design skills for online journalists.
技能:Journalists和reporters都需要很强的研究和写作技巧,以及从各种来源收集和分析信息的能力。然而,根据他们工作的媒体类型,journalists可能还需要额外的技能,例如电视记者television journalists的视频制作技能或网络记者online journalists的网页设计技能。


In summary, journalists and reporters are crucial figures in the media industry, each with their own unique set of skills and responsibilities. While journalists are responsible for collecting, writing, and disseminating news and information to the public, reporters focus on collecting and disseminating news. Both professionals play a vital role in informing the public and keeping them informed about current events and issues. Despite their differences, both journalists and reporters are essential to the functioning of a well-informed society.
总之,journalists和reporters是媒体行业的关键人物,每个人都有自己独特的技能和职责。journalists负责收集、撰写和向公众传播新闻和信息,而reporters则专注于收集和传播新闻。两位专业人士在告知公众并让他们了解时事和问题方面发挥着至关重要的作用。尽管存在差异,但journalists 和reporters对于信息灵通的社会的运作都是必不可少的。
