(加拿大中国地震灾区采访队记者Christina Stevens6月19日报道)震阳,是一个裹着蓝毛巾的新生婴儿的名字。震阳的母亲表示,这名字的意思是地震后出现阳光。Din Chun Wang说,地震时,她很害怕自己和刚出生的孩子遇难。她说:”当时我和爸爸妈妈一起,房子都在摇晃,但爸爸妈妈嚷着我不用紧张。”说话时,Wang抱着她的孩子,望着丈夫。结果他们一家逢凶化吉,但地震的后遗症郤是难以抵受的。这方面,Wang的父母对她有很大帮助。她説:”他们告诉我很多其他人遇难和失去家人的故事,而我仍然生还,他们都尽量安慰我,使我和孩子好好生活下去。”
孩子很安全,Wang也面露阳光气色。但这里的人有这气色的为数很少。离她家乡不远的地方,一个瘦削男子在大雾的泥路上走着,身旁有军车走过,还有一些汽车冒着会随时塌方的危险,向前迈进。Hong Zhu只有41岁,但他看起来比真实年纪大,而且面带绝望神色。我们问他要往那里去。原来他刚从北川回来,正在返回数公里外的帐篷。他去北川只是想”看一看”。在地震过后,他每隔三两天便到北川一趟。Zhu原本在上海工作,地震后赶回来,结果发现17岁的女儿,11岁的儿子,母亲和妹妹都罹难。
要理解他和千万家庭的哀伤并不容易,在这样一种随意的自然灾害,为何这个家庭没事,其他的受灾?这问题是找不到答案的,但似乎每一个人都在搜寻答案。在绵阳市人民医院,每逢有孩子出生都会有庆祝,但现在变得静悄悄。Wang 表示有一天她会向震阳解释名字的意思。她说:”我会告诉他你是在地震后出生的,很多人都在地震中遇难,你要坚强勇敢的活下去。”对于我来说,除了这样做之外,便没有其他选择了。
(加拿大中国地震灾区采访队记者Christina Stevens6月19日报道)Earthquake sunshine. That’s the name the new born wrapped in a blue blanket will take forward from this day on. Zhen Yang’s mother says it means after such a disaster, one day the sky will brighten again. Din Chun Wang says during the quake she was terrified for her life, and for her unborn child. “My parents were with me and we were so scared. The house was shaking but they just talked to me and told me to stay calm,” she says, looking over at Zhen Yang and then her husband. The family survived, but the trauma was almost unbearable. Again Wang says her parents helped her cope, “they told me a lot of stories about other people who have lost family members and comforted me by saying you are still OK and tried to keep me calm to make the baby safer.”
The baby was safe, and Wang now has her glimmer of sunshine. Too few here do. Not far from her hometown, on a mountain road, we see a thin man trudging slowly through the mist and mud. Army trucks splash past, otherwise few vehicles brave the tristed road and threat of fresh landslides. Hong Zhu is 41, but looks much older and appears devoid of hope. We ask where he is going, and find out it is back to his tent a couple of kilometres down the road. He is just coming back from Bechuan, where he went to “have a look”, something he has been doing every couple of days since the quake. Zhu was working in Shanghai at the time and rushed back, only to find out his 17 year old daughter, 11 year old son, mother and sister had all died.
He never really says why he keeps going back to Bechuan, or what he is looking for. Is it for some sign of his home? Something recognizable in the debris? Or is it to be close to his family, to try and understand? Weeks after the earhquake, there is not much to see here, only heavy machinery clearing away any sign of a collapsed school, as well as an excess of mud, rocks and debris. Zhu slowly makes his way up the hill, away from the city, away from life as he knew it, his mourning, barely begun.
Its hard to comprehend, the scope of his loss, and that of thousands upon thousands of families. The very random nature of such a disaster, why is one family spared and another destroyed? There are no answers here, but there is the feeling that they are all in this together.
Back in Mian Yang People’s Hospital the typical celebrations over the birth of a baby boy, are muted and tender. Wang says one day she will do her best to explain the significance of Zhen Yang’s name to him, “I will tell him right after the earthquake you were born. So many people died after the earthquake, but you will be very strong and very brave.” To survive this, it seems to me, you have no other choice.
21 year old Din Chun Wang and baby Zhen Yang Chei (earthquake sunshine) in Main Yang People’s Hospital
ME! and children in the area of Bechuan