20110910/情挑新华社女记者 国会议员道歉


外交部长白谔德(John Baird)的国会秘书鲍勃德克特(Bob Dechert)周五晚间发声明道歉,承认他与新华社多伦多首席记者施蓉(Shi Rong)在华语访问中相识,成为朋友。他说,电邮只是说说亲昵话,没有别的用意。“电邮有说调情话,友谊还是纯洁的,仅此而已,那是友情。这事如有伤害他人,我为此道歉。”

总理办公室发言人麦克杜格尔(Andrew Mac Dougall)发出电邮,回应此事,指德克特“否认不当行为,我们手上没有其他资料,证明相反说法”。

德克特在声明中说,施蓉的电邮“被黑客入侵,事情涉及持续的家庭纠纷”。施蓉告诉《环球邮报》(Globe and Mail),是她的丈夫入侵她的电邮帐户。


大批电邮周四疯传加拿大240多个媒体、学术、政治和商界代表,据说电邮附录德克特透过[email protected]邮址发给[email protected]的邮件。










2010年4月,他发出调情电邮时,刚获委任为司法部长国会秘书。德克特原任律师,他的网页说,他与克拉克(Ruth Clark)结婚。

他也加入加中国会议员协会(Canada China Legislative Association),那是1998年成立的国会论坛,它“提倡加拿大国会议员和中国人大委员交换信息”。他积极参加华社内活动,去年底参加密西沙加华商会一年一度的圣诞联欢会,其他嘉宾还包括省议员德拉尼(Bob Delaney)夫妇及密市市长麦考莲。


新华社多伦多分社 施蓉为主理人


施蓉本人非常活跃,日前还采访李娜参加本地约克大学举行的罗渣士杯(Rogers Cup),与同行一同午膳,然而对于今次爆出的丑闻案,有接近施蓉的人士指出,他们毫不知情。


外长国会秘书 与新华社女记者暧昧

世界日报/联邦保守党国会议员、外交部长白谔德的国会秘书德克特(Bob Dechert),9日在网路上发表声明,承认与中国新华社驻多伦多记者施蓉互发含有暧昧和调情字眼的电子邮件,但双方只是朋友关系。



渥太华公民报(Ottawa Citizen)9日在网际网路上公布了德克特与施蓉通信的部分内容,其中一封在2010年4月17日发出的电邮写道:“你是如此美丽,真的很喜欢你在水边拍的那张照片,你鼓起面腮的样子太可爱了,现在对你的想念更加绵长。”




总理哈珀的发言人麦道格(Andrew MacDougall)表示,暂不因电邮事件对德克特作出任何处罚,因为德特克否认自己做过任何不恰当的行为,并且目前联邦政府也没有发现他有任何过错。

德克特是来自安省密西沙加-艾林岱尔选区(Mississauga- Erindale)选区的国会议员,在2008年大选中,他以自己的成功当选,为保守党攻破了自由党在大多伦多地区的一统天下,从而为2011年5月联邦大选中保守党的压倒性胜利奠定了基础。

进入政坛前,德克特克之前曾任加拿大帝国俱乐部(Empire Club of Canada )主席;在担任现职前,他是联邦法务部长的国会秘书。

德克特与妻子克拉克(Ruth Clark)居住在密西沙加市。

电邮情挑新华社女记 国会议员发声明解画

星岛日报/保守党国会议员德克特(Bob Dechert)向中国新华社驻多伦多女记者频发调情电邮一事昨天传得沸沸扬扬,令执政的保守党颜面蒙羞。而当事人德克特议员急于解释,坚称双方只是朋友关系,矢口否认有何不当行为。但鉴于两人的身份特殊,再次引起公众质疑外国对加国政府的影响。

议员德克特为外交部长白德(John Baird)的国会秘书,而女方施蓉(Shi Rong)则是新华社记者。




《渥太华公民报》(Ottawa Citizen)周五在网上登录了电子邮件的节录,其中一份日期为2010年4月17日的电邮中写道“你如此美丽,我实在喜欢那张你伫立水边,微风抚面的照片,看上去如此可爱。当你摆出这一姿势时我非常喜欢。现在,我更加惦念你。”




女记施蓉自爆 丈夫骇入电邮

总理哈珀的发言人麦杜高(Andrew MacDougal)表示,不会因这类电邮对德克特采取行动。麦杜高说:“他否认任何不当行为,而且我们也没有这方面的信息。”

一消息来源试图淡化这一潜在冲突,消息来源指出,外交部长的另一名国会秘书、保守党国会议员奥布莱(Deepak Obhrai)负责中国事务,并非德克特。




德克特曾经是律师行Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP的高级合伙人,为加拿大帝国会所(Empire Club of Canada)前总裁,他还担任过司法部长的国会秘书。
他与妻子Ruth Clark在密市生活。














Dechert Issues Statement

September 9, 2011

Mississauga, Ontario – Bob Dechert, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Member of Parliament for Mississauga-Erindale issued the following statement:

“The person is a journalist whom I have come to know as a friend. I met her while doing Chinese-language media communications.

My understanding is that her emails were hacked as part of an ongoing domestic dispute.

These emails are flirtatious, but the friendship remained innocent and simply that – a friendship.

I apologize for any harm caused to anyone by this situation.”

– 30 –

For further information contact:

Office of Bob Dechert, MP

Office:(905) 897-1952



星岛日报/■“桃色电邮”经媒体披露后,有网民在《环球邮报》(The Globe and Mail)网站纷纷发表议论,至本报截稿时,共有586个评论回应,以下是摘取自该网站的部分评论,并不代表本报编辑部观点。





网民Anthony S
■“很易令人联想到60年代英国保守党内阁部长普罗富莫(John Profumo)跟活跃上流社会亦跟前苏联情报机关KGB人员有联系的女子姬娜(Christine Keeler)的交往。噢,等一等…普罗富莫其后因该宗丑闻辞职…但当年的政客总还算有点诚信。一名已婚内阁部长跟一名外国政府人员有暧昧关系,绝非小事一宗;当中存在勒索的可能性不容忽视。德克特先生至低限度须要立即请辞,加拿大保安情报局应该立即着手调查。”


网民Shades of Grey


加议员与新华记者暧昧信曝光 间谍说再起

(大纪元记者唐文综合报导)9月8日,加拿大保守党国会议员、外交部长国会秘书鲍勃‧德克特(Bob Dechert)与中共新华社驻多伦多记者施蓉的暧昧电子邮件被曝光。9月9日,德克特承认发送了暧昧电子邮件并发表声明道歉。加国媒体直指新华社是中共情报机构,质疑中共间谍渗透加拿大政府,中共“间谍说”再起。

暧昧电子邮件 大面积曝光

据加拿大《环球邮报》报导,9月8日,逾240位媒体、学术和政治圈人士收到了大量电子邮件,邮件内容是国会议员鲍勃‧德克特(Bob Dechert)写给中共新华社驻多伦多记者施蓉的,信中包括“你很漂亮”、“我很想念你”等调情内容。报导选登了一些调情电子邮件。






德克特是加拿大外交部长约翰‧贝尔德(John Baird)的国会秘书,出生在安大略省宾顿市(Brampton),2008年当选国会议员之前是一名律师。德克特的议员网站称,德克特与妻子露丝‧克拉克(Ruth Clark)在密西沙加生活了多年。





去年6月底,加拿大安全情报局(CSIS)局长法登(Richard Fadden)在加拿大广播公司(CBC)的专访节目中指出,加拿大的某些政府官员和加拿大的民主正受到来自外国的秘密影响。




法登(Richard Fadden)曝光外国政府渗透加政要后,在西方社会掀起轩然大波,对中共体制很了解的中国著名维权律师郭国汀,从自己观察的角度,剖析由此引起的间谍现象,认为“这是中共的战略、政策,”“肯定是事实,实际情况更严重得多”。





Tory MP admits to sending ‘flirtatious’ e-mails to Chinese reporter


OTTAWA — A Conservative MP has apologized for sending “flirtatious” e-mails to a correspondent with the Chinese state news agency but says his relationship with the woman was innocent.

E-mails circulated on Friday revealed an apparently intimate correspondence between Xinhua News Agency’s chief Toronto correspondent, Shi Rong, and Mississauga–Erindale MP Bob Dechert, who serves as parliamentary secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird.

A private relationship between an MP with ties to the foreign ministry and an employee of the Chinese state news service could prove embarrassing for the government, especially amid concerns in the intelligence community about Chinese espionage in Canada.

In an unusual statement issued Friday evening, Dechert, 53, said Shi’s e-mail account was hacked as part of a domestic dispute.

“The person is a journalist whom I have come to know as a friend. I met her while doing Chinese-language media communications,” he said in the statement posted on his website.

“These emails are flirtatious, but the friendship remained innocent and simply that — a friendship.

“I apologize for any harm caused to anyone by this situation.”

Friday evening, the Prime Minister’s Office released a statement saying simply, “Mr. Dechert has denied any inappropriate behaviour. We have no information to suggest otherwise.”

One message that appears to have been sent from Dechert’s Parliament Hill account reads: “You are so beautiful. I really like that picture of you by the water with your cheeks puffed. That look is so cute. I love it when you do that. Now, I miss you even more.”

It is signed “Bob Dechert, MP” and dated April 17, 2010, when Dechert was parliamentary secretary to the minister of justice.

Earlier Friday, Shi had sent out an e-mail saying her account had been hacked and that the contents of the e-mails were “untrue.”

Dechert, 53, could not be reached for comment Friday and did not respond to e-mails and calls to his offices and home.

Reached on her cellphone Friday and asked about the e-mails, Shi hung up. In a follow-up call, she explained, “It’s not my e-mail. My e-mail was hacked by someone else.”

She said she was considering legal action, but said she didn’t know who hacked her e-mail. When asked about the nature of her relationship with the married MP, Shi hung up again.

Dechert, a lawyer, was first elected MP in 2008 after two failed bids for the Mississauga seat. He is well-connected among Ontario Tories and was a leading member of the “Blue Committee,” a group that worked to bring the Reform Party and Progressive Conservatives together in 2000.

His biography says he is married to Ruth Clark, who is an executive with public relations firm Hill and Knowlton.

Dechert did not respond to repeated emails and phone calls to his offices and home.

Xinhua is the government-owned wire service of the People’s Republic of China. It has bureaus in most countries around the world and employs many Western journalists, as well. Its credibility is debated but at its highest levels, its news coverage it believed to be directed by the Chinese government.

Last year, Canada’s top spy warned that some Canadian politicians were under the control of foreign governments.

Richard Fadden, director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, told the CBC that “several municipal politicians in British Columbia and in at least two provinces there are ministers of the Crown who we think are under at least the general influence of a foreign government.”

Fadden later downplayed the remarks but confirmed that China was among the countries believed to be courting favour with Canadian politicians.

One of the e-mails to Shi passes on information about the Genie Awards in Toronto. It is a forwarded message with background information about the Canadian film awards, prepared by Dechert’s assistant, Jonathan Dale.

At the top of the e-mail, the sender wrote, “FYI, just in case you change your mind. Bob Dechert, MP.”

Dechert was one of several MPs who attended the 2010 Genie Awards gala in Toronto in April 2010.

Another message dated April 19, 2010, the sender says in the e-mail he was thinking of her while he drove to Ottawa. He encourages Shi to watch him voting on TV or on the CPAC website at 6:30 p.m.

“I will smile at you. I miss you. Love, Bob.”

House of Commons records show that Dechert voted on that date at 6:35 p.m., on a motion related to a free-trade agreement between Canada and Colombia.

There is no indication Shi every wrote about Dechert for her news agency but she is listed in a photo credit on Xinhua picture of Dechert campaigning in Mississauga during the election campaign this past spring.

Dechert’s riding has a large Chinese population. He has traveled to China and Taiwan and is a member of the Canada-China Legislative Association.

Tory MP apologizes for ‘flirtatious’ e-mails to Chinese reporter

STEVEN CHASE, OTTAWA— Globe and Mail Update

A senior Harper government MP with foreign affairs duties has apologized for sending “flirtatious” e-mails to a journalist with China’s state-controlled news agency, a revelation that’s embarrassed Canada’s ruling Conservatives.

Bob Dechert, Conservative MP for Missisauga-Erindale, scrambled Friday to explain amorous e-mails he’d sent in 2010 to Shi Rong, a Toronto correspondent with Xinhua News Agency.

Mr. Dechert is parliamentary secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird.

Xinhua is the official press service for the People’s Republic of China and Western counterintelligence organizations have likened it to an intelligence agency.

This all came to light Thursday night when a mass e-mail was sent to more than 240 media, academic, political and business contacts across Canada. The missive contained the text of intimate messages written by Mr. Dechert, including ones where he professes love for Ms. Shi.

One e-mail, sent to Ms. Shi on April 17, 2010, from Mr. Dechert’s parliamentary office account, says: “You are so beautiful. I really like the picture of you by the water with your cheeks puffed. That look is so cute, I love it when you do that. Now, I miss you even more.”

The e-mail was signed “Bob Dechert, MP.” The sender account named was [email protected] and the recipient was [email protected], which Ms. Shi has used as an e-mail account.

Late Friday afternoon, Mr. Dechert issued a statement playing down the relationship.

“The person is a journalist whom I have come to know as a friend. I met her while doing Chinese-language media communications,” the MP said.

“These e-mails are flirtatious, but the friendship remained innocent and simply that – a friendship. I apologize for any harm caused to anyone by this situation.”

Mr. Dechert’s MP website said he’s “lived in Mississauga for many years with his wife Ruth Clark.”

Trying to explain why his amorous e-mails to the Chinese reporter were made public, Mr. Dechert said: “my understanding is that her e-mails were hacked as part of an ongoing domestic dispute.”

Ms. Shi, who spoke to The Globe and Mail Thursday night, blamed her husband for the mass e-mail that contained the personal messages from Mr. Dechert, saying he “hacked my e-mail box.”

Another e-mail, dated April 20, 2010, invites Ms. Shi to watch TV for an evening Commons vote in Ottawa. “Dearest Rong,” the note began. “How is your day? Did your interviews at Royal Bank go well? Did you get enough information for your articles?”

The MP told Ms. Shi he’d just arrived in Ottawa and “I enjoyed the drive by thinking of you.”

In this e-mail, he also encouraged her to watch televised proceedings in the Commons. “We will be voting at 6:30 p.m. If you have time, watch on TV or on your computer (on the CPAC website) and I will smile at you.”

“I miss you. Love, Bob,” the e-mail concludes.

Canada’s top spy warned last year that Chinese spies had infiltrated Canadian politics.

Canadian Security Intelligence Service head Richard Fadden suggested during a TV interview in June, 2010, that two provincial cabinet ministers and a number of other government officials and employees were under the control of foreign countries as part of espionage schemes.

“We’re in fact a bit worried in a couple of provinces that we have an indication there are some political figures who have developed quite an attachment to foreign countries,” he told CBC.

China is known to be an extremely aggressive collector of intelligence and Canadian security agencies have, in the past, cited links to Xinhua as a reason to remove bureaucrats from positions where they might have access to top secret data.

For example, the government fired a senior Chinese-Canadian bureaucrat from the Privy Council Office in 2003, partly because she had once worked for Xinhua and had kept up contacts with her former colleagues after joining the Canadian government.

Tory MP sent flirtatious emails to Chinese reporter

Joanna Smith and Bruce Campion-Smith
Ottawa Bureau, TORONTO STAR

OTTAWA—Conservative MP Bob Dechert exchanged a series of flirtatious emails with the Toronto correspondent for the Chinese state news agency he says is just a friend.

A mass email circulated this week included messages between Dechert, who is the parliamentary secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, and Shi Rong of the Xinhua News Agency.

The emails were sent from his parliamentary account.

“The person is a journalist whom I have come to know as a friend. I met her while doing Chinese-language media communications,” the married Conservative MP for Mississauga-Erindale said in statement posted to his website.

“My understanding is that her emails were hacked as part of an ongoing domestic dispute. These emails are flirtatious, but the friendship remained innocent and simply that — a friendship,” Dechert wrote. “I apologize for any harm caused to anyone by this situation.”

The Ottawa Citizen published excerpts of the emails online on Friday, including one dated April 17, 2010, that read: “You are so beautiful. I really like that picture of you by the water with your cheeks puffed. That look is so cute. I love it when you do that. Now, I miss you even more.”

It was signed “Bob Dechert, MP.”

A private relationship between the parliamentary secretary to foreign affairs and a reporter from China’s state news agency could prove embarrassing for the Conservative government as it raises the spectre of foreign influence.

Canadian Security Intelligence Service chief Richard Fadden made waves last summer when he said that foreign governments — including China — have been infiltrating ethnic communities and trying to influence politicians at all levels of government.

The Star later obtained a top-secret memo through the Access to Information Act last October that had Fadden telling Public Safety Minister Vic Toews that foreign entities were hard at work keeping tabs on ethnic communities, elected officials, public servants and political candidates with the goal of influencing federal government policies in their favour and obtaining sensitive information and technology.

Xinhua is the official news service for the People’s Republic of China.

A source sought to play down the potential conflict, noting that Conservative MP Deepak Obhrai, another parliamentary secretary to the minister of foreign affairs, has China as part of his portfolio, not Dechert.

Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier resigned his high-profile post in May 2008 after he left secret cabinet documents at the home of his girlfriend, a woman with past links to organized crime.

Andrew MacDougall, a spokesman for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, suggested no action would be taken against Dechert for the emails.

“He’s denied any inappropriate behaviour and we have no information to the contrary,” MacDougall said.

A request for comment emailed to the address that Shi used to correspond to Dechert bounced back on Friday, but Shi had earlier told the Citizen that her email account had been hacked and that the messages were faked.

The Citizen published another message dated April 19, 2010, that encourages Shi to watch Dechert voting on television at 6:30 p.m. that day.

“I will smile at you. I miss you. Love, Bob,” said the email sent the day that Dechert voted at 6:35 p.m. on a motion regarding a free-trade agreement with Colombia.

Dechert helped the Conservatives break through in the Greater Toronto Area with his election win in 2008, paving the way for big Tory gains in the recent spring election.

Dechert, a former senior partner with the law firm Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP, and a former president of the Empire Club of Canada, had previously served as parliamentary secretary to the minister of justice.

According to his biography, he lives in Mississauga with his wife, Ruth Clark.

Tory MP apologizes for flirty emails to Chinese journalist

By Laura Payton, CBC News

Bob Dechert, parliamentary secretary for Foreign Affairs, has confirmed he sent flirtatious emails to the chief Toronto correspondent for Xinhua, the official Chinese government news agency that is directly responsible to the governing Communist party.

In a statement released Friday night, Dechert said he met Shi Rong while doing interviews for Chinese-language media and she became a friend. He said the emails were nothing more than a flirtation: “These emails are flirtatious, but the friendship remained innocent and simply that – a friendship. I apologize for any harm caused to anyone by this situation.”

A spokesman for Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Dechert “denied any inappropriate behaviour. We have no information to suggest otherwise.”

In his statement, Dechert said Shi’s emails “were hacked as part of an ongoing domestic dispute.”

Shi elaborated for the Globe and Mail, telling the paper it was her husband who hacked into her account.

The emails were released Thursday night to a large number of people, including journalists, business people and political contacts. Dechert’s personal email address was on the list of recipients.

In an email sent about midnight on April 17, 2010, Dechert thanked Shi for sending a photo of herself from seven years earlier.

“You are so beautiful. I really like the picture of you by the water with your cheeks puffed. That look is so cute, I love it when you do that. Now, I miss you even more.”

In another 2010 email, Dechert tells Shi to watch CPAC because he will smile for her as he stands to vote in the House of Commons that night. She replies that she will watch for him.

An email from Shi’s account to her contacts early Friday morning apologized for the hack.

“Some one has used this mail box sent [sic] information that is absolutely untrue. Please ignore any mail that send [sic] from this email box in the future,” the email reads.

Dechert, a Toronto-area MP, was elected to represent Mississauga-Erindale in 2008 and was named to his role with Foreign Affairs in May 2011. He also serves on the Foreign Affairs Commons committee. In April 2010, at the time the emails were sent, Dechert had just been made parliamentary secretary to the minister of justice.

Last June, CSIS director Richard Fadden told CBC’s Peter Mansbridge that there were provincial and municipal political figures who have “developed quite an attachment to foreign countries.”

Dechert, a lawyer and former president of the Empire Club of Canada, is married to Ruth Clark, according to his personal website.

Dechert also serves on the Canada China Legislative Association, a parliamentary forum established in 1998 that “promotes the exchange of information between Canadian parliamentarians and representatives of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China in order to encourage better understanding and closer ties between the two countries.”