20110212/安省冻结10.25元最低时薪 劳工团体不满

(安省渥克维尔11日加新社电)安省省长麦坚迪(Dalton McGuinty)周五宣布,安省2011年的最低时薪维持不变,仍是10.25元。省府7年来首次冻结最低时薪,一些劳工团体表示不满。



刚恢复元气 让资方站稳脚步


加拿大独立商业联会(Canadian Federation of Independent Business)本初稍早时说,安省调高最低时薪,一些人就会失业。

安省劳工厅长苏泽(Charles Sousa)说,省府今秋指派商业及劳工委员会,研究2012年最低时薪应有什么改动。


奥克维尔商会主管索耶(John Sawyer)说,他赞成冻结最低时薪,如果最低时薪上调,资方就要裁员,一些人会失业。



多伦多灾难救援委员会(Toronto Disaster Relief Committee)的克罗(Cathy Crowe) 说,那是严重的警告,它告诉我们,不能期待省府为劳工和穷苦大众解困。

2011 Minimum Wage Rate Set – Highest of Canadian Provinces
February 11, 2011

McGuinty Government Striking the Right Balance

After seven consecutive increases, the Ontario minimum wage rate will remain at $10.25 per hour in 2011, the highest provincial minimum wage in Canada.

The Ontario minimum wage has increased by 50 percent with annual increases in the last seven years. These increases outpaced inflation in part to make up for a nine year minimum wage freeze between 1995 and 2004.

The McGuinty government has recently introduced a broad package of supports and tax relief for Ontario families including tax cuts, second career training, the Ontario Child Benefit and the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit – taking 10% off electricity bills.

In the fall of 2011, the government will appoint a committee representing both business and workers to provide advice on the minimum wage in advance of the 2012 budget.


“Ontario families deserve a fair wage, and our businesses need stability and certainty. We’re striking the right balance with a fair minimum wage, help for workers who need training support to find a job, and tax relief for families as well as 10% off electricity bills.”
– Charles Sousa Minister of Labour


-Ontario’s minimum wage increases in the last seven years have outpaced the rate of inflation
-93 per cent of Ontarians received a tax cut last year, averaging $355 per family, and 90,000 Ontarians were removed from the tax rolls altogether
-The Ontario Child Benefit is financial support for low-income families to help provide for their children.


-What else is Ontario doing to help hard working families?
-Ontario Child Benefit website.