大中报晓喻(2010-11-26 PM05:09)
Editorial:Maclean’s owes no apology to Chinese community
(2010-11-19 PM04:51),
加拿大著名的英文杂志《麦克琳》在2010年11月刊里发表了题为“太亚洲化?”的报道。这个由《麦克琳》记者Stephanie Findlay和Nicholas Köhler的报道在华人社区里反响极大,更有华人团体和读者称“太亚洲化?”一文在报道上不负责任,是种族歧视,他们要求《麦克琳》杂志向加拿大人公开道歉。
In November 2010, the renowned Canadian magazine Maclean’s published a report entitled “Too Asian?” The article, written by Maclean’s reporters Stephanie Findlay and Nicholas Köhler, has elicited a huge response from the Chinese community. In particular, several Chinese community organizations and readers claim that “Too Asian?” is an irresponsible, racially discriminatory piece of journalism, and have demanded that Maclean’s issue a public apology to all Canadians.
The question now is, does the article “Too Asian?” meet the journalistic standard—a standard which is also advocated by Chinese News—of accuracy, fairness and balance?
The answer is that “Too Asian?” is indeed accurate, fair and balanced. The article’s authors interviewed all parties involved in university education, including students, professors, researchers and university presidents. There is no evidence to suggest that the authors took any quotes out of context or reported only one side of the story.
We should encourage Maclean’s, and the media in general, to reveal the problems and challenges facing the Canadian education system. If not for Maclean’s, how many members of the Chinese community would be aware that the U.S. education system secretly treats Asian students differently from their non-Asian peers?
If Maclean’s has to apologize for this article, who will be willing to report any concerns in the future—regardless of whether such concerns are justified, or have racial overtones?
The Chinese community should strongly condemn anyone who is unwilling to associate with Asians or unwilling to compete with them on an equal footing, and should prevent discriminatory practices against Asians on American campuses from occurring in Canada. Meanwhile, the Chinese community should encourage Chinese students to play a leadership role in curbing drug use, alcohol abuse, sexual indulgence and other unhealthy behaviours on Canadian university campuses.
Students from Chinese-Canadian family have excelled in those more marketable subjects such as medicine, science, engineering, legal, accounting and business, but what about drama, arts, and literature? And political sciences? The list can go on and on. Canada has offered every citizen tremendous benefits in all walk of life. If the first generation of new immigrants can only focus on making a living, perhaps their children can and should expand their focus and horizon now.
Should Maclean’s apologize?
《大中报》记者南茜(Nancy Jin)(2010-11-18 PM06:28)(2010-11-19 PM02:21),
Does the fact that too many Asian students are taking up university spots pose a threat to the cultural mosaic of Canadian universities – which value diversity, mutual understanding and respect? Do Asian students lack social interaction with their non-Asian peers and tend to segregate themselves?
The Maclean’s article “Too Asian?” has evoked strong reactions of readers to racial issues, and the East Asian community has voiced its frustration over the alleged racism directed at the community, and condemned it for spreading racial stereotypes.
“What really bothers me is that Maclean’s headline, ‘Too Asian?’ What does that mean, not Canadian?” said Victor Wong, president of the Chinese Canadian National Council (CCNC).
多伦多教育局士嘉堡Rouge River校区教育委员陈圣源在接受《大中报》采访时说:“我们是否讨论过校园中白人过多的问题?……我认为像《麦克林》杂志这样的主流媒体发表这类种族论调,是非常不负责任的。”
“Have we ever discussed that there is white domination on campus? … I think it is very irresponsible for mainstream media like Maclean’s to publish this type of racist discourse,” said Shaun Chen, a TDSB school trustee Scarborough-Rouge River in an interview with Chinese News.
“How can a headline, ‘Too Asian’?, not be racist?…… This is irresponsible journalism that relies on spreading racial stereotypes,” says Avvy Go, clinic director of the Metro Toronto Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic (MTSALC).
“太亚裔化?”一文中所说,多伦多教育局中有70%的东亚移民学生进入大学,而与之相比,仅有52%的欧洲移民以及42%的加拿大土生学生进大学。该文指出,目前 加拿大大学采用的完全依据学生资历及成绩单进行招生方式将导致加国校园中出现亚洲学生过分聚集的现象。
Revealing that more than 70% of TDSB students from the East Asian immigrant community went to universities, compared to 52% of Europeans and 42% of those born in Canada, the article indicates that the merit-based approach Canadian universities are using – relying on students’ transcripts–will result in a concentration of Asian students.
“What is wrong with too many Asian students in the university?” asked Victor Wong. “If you find that 85% of Asian parents expect their children to go to university, I would ask, how come it is not 100%?” said Wong.
The article pointed out that Asians are ambitious and academic high achievers。They work hard to obtain top grades, which inadvertently puts pressure on their non-Canadian peers, many of whom believe that having fun is an important part of campus life. Asians may lack social interaction, according to a former guidance counselor quoted in the article, and tend to segregate themselves and don’t assimilate into the Canadian culture.
At the University of Waterloo, the article says, East Asian students have dubbed the computer science buildings “mainland China” and “downtown China”, and in one tutorial session, the TA answered a question in Mandarin, after he got frustrated with speaking English.
Wong of CCNC admits that the situation where students from mainland China discuss academic content in their classes using their mother tongue does exist on Canadian campuses.
黄煜文称:“那些在课堂上不说英语的学生们,则未能享受到加国大学教育的全部内容。 他们在主流社会找工作时会处于不利地位,因为面试者可能会选择那些英语说的比较好的应聘者。”
“If a student does not speak English in the class, he may miss the full university experience. They disadvantage themselves when they apply for a job in the mainstream, as the job interviewer may prefer other candidates who speak better English,“ said Wong.
Undoubtedly, giving out answers in the class in a language other than English would affect the learning experience and hurt Anglophone students, who might feel that they are being left out or disrespected.
Many immigrant parents say that these students never intentionally alienate their non-Chinese peers but lack the strong English language skills needed to assimilate. Even if we do not let skin colour separate Chinese from whites, cultural and language barriers often divide many of them invisibly and are tough to break down.
It seems that the cultural influences have had a significant impact on the development of younger generation of East Asians. According to the findings of a self-assessment survey conducted by the TDSB in 2006, among over 100,000 grade 7-12 students of all ethnic groups in the GTA, the East Asian students, the majority of whom are from mainland China but a certain portion are second generation immigrants, gave the highest rating in math skills but the lowest rating in self-perceived abilities, including social and leadership skills, communication skills and classroom participation.
多伦多教育局研究协调员Maria Yau表示:“加国教育系统一直努力关注这些调查结果……我们希望学生们在学校里得到全面发展。我们希望他们不仅学习成绩优异,同时具有良好的心理素质,以及拥有与他人充分交往的能力。”
“Our education system tries to pay attention to the findings… We want our children to experience a full and all-around development at school. We want them to become not only high academic achievers, but also socially and emotionally well-balanced individuals,” said Maria Yau, a research coordinator with the TDSB.
The TDSB findings also indicate that the percentage of East Asian students expected to attend universities by their parents is also the highest among all student groups. What may cause the most concern to Chinese parents and students is the MacLean article’s byline “Worries that efforts in the U.S. to limit enrolment of Asian students in top universities may migrate to Canada.”
加利福尼亚的亚裔学生虽然之占加州人口的13%, 但却拥有高居40%的大学入学率。但这种过高入学率是否就应导致将“亚裔封顶”的现象出现,即大学可以提高亚裔学生入学分数线,以限制亚裔学生的入学人数?是否在不久的将来,加国亚裔学生在申请加拿大大学时,他们的高中成绩要比非亚裔同学高出一定比例才能与他们站在同一条起跑线上,被招生者平等看待?
Should California’s disproportionately high enrolment rate of Asians, who make up only 13% of residents but have a 40% university enrolment rate, give rise to the situation of an “Asian ceiling”, where the university raises the bar when admitting Asians? Will Asian applicants, in the new future, need certain extra marks on their high school report cards to be on equal footing with their non-Asian peers when applying to Canadian universities?
“I think that the article creates a type of fear that too many Asians would take over the Canadian university campus… It is worrisome that the discrimination against Asians in the Ivory tower is on the rise, “ said Wendell Liu, a Chinese Canadian parent and an engineer expert with a Canadian engineering firm.
“Canada needs doctors and engineers. To get into engineering, science or medical areas require students to have a strong technology background, which are the strength of Asian students… Caucasian students in general are unlikely to pursue these areas because they are unwilling to meet the demand of the hard work and painstaking efforts,” said Liu.
As the term “Too Asian” has been used in the U.S. to talk about the racial imbalance at Ivy League schools, the Chinese community is afraid that the term is now being whispered on Canadian campuses, worrying that the universities could use secret quotas when admitting Asian students.
“In Canada, we are all Canadians… When it comes to university admission, the same criteria should apply to all ethnic groups. It is definitely wrong to use a secret quota against Chinese applicants,” said Liu.
Mrs. Go of MTSALC says that portraying Asian Canadians as taking away places at universities from white Canadians, and bringing up the academic standard to their disadvantage is racist. She has called for MacLean’s to offer a public apology and equal editorial space to counter harm done.
However, despite the rage against racism revealed, community members are divided in their responses to the article. Some readers say that the article reflects responsible journalism insofar as it depicts problems that have long existed in the community.
“The article also pointed out that white kids drink too much… It suggests that Canadian universities should continue to use the merit-based approach in admitting students, encouraging all minority groups to mingle and integrate into Canadian culture… To me it is a very balanced and responsible piece,” said a community member who prefers to remain anonymous.
“In a sense, I think the authors and the magazine are very brave to expose these issues in the community that nobody wants to talk about, which is beneficial to the Chinese parents as well as the wellbeing of younger generation,” said the community member.
After all, in an opinion piece the authors have freedom to express their views – however biased or offensive they may seem. Part of the media social responsibility is to stir public debate and provoke readers to ponder. By drawing our attention to the situation south of the border, the article has aroused great response and enabled the community to engage in reflection and discussions that would help to prevent an “Asian ceiling” from materializing, and secret quotas from being used on Canadian campuses.