中国政府在加拿大总理哈珀访华前夕释出善意,决定局部解除猪肉产品禁运令,容许加拿大猪肉进口,但禁止加拿大生猪进口。哈珀及国际贸易部长戴国卫都说,他们欢迎此举。戴国卫周二发表声明说,这一发展对加﹑中贸易关系非常重要,它显示中方已迈出第一步,认同国际通行的甲型H1N1流感应对标准。我们会跟中国相应部门紧密合作,确保两国贸易自由流动。农业部长国务秘书Pierre Lemieux说,此举对我们猪农是个好消息,他们现在又能进入1个每年价值5,000万元的市场。
总理哈珀,农业部长李熙杰(Gerry Ritz)及国际贸易部长兼太平洋门户部长戴国卫(Stockwell Day)将会在中国与对应部门的官员会晤,而这些活动是为加拿大的生产商创造及扩展新市场商机访问行程的部份工作。
Date: December 1, 2009
For immediate release
BEIJING, CHINA – Prime Minister Stephen Harper today acknowledged China’s decision to reopen their lucrative markets to Canadian pork exporters. Prime Minister Harper, Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture, and Stockwell Day, Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway, will be in China meeting with their Chinese counterparts as part of a mission to create and expand new market opportunities for Canadian producers.
Earlier this year, China banned imports of Canadian pork due to concerns about H1N1.
“Step by step this Government is reopening markets for Canadian pork producers,” said Prime Minister Harper. “Canadian producers want to make their living in the marketplace and we are working closely with our international counterparts to make sure our producers remain competitive and profitable.”
Today’s development comes after many high-level interventions from Canadian experts and Governmental officials. China indicates that they will lift the A/H1N1 2009-related ban on Canadian pork and pork products from Quebec, Manitoba and Alberta. Regrettably, China continues to ban live swine imports. Canada will continue to seek the removal of all trade restrictions on live swine, as well as ensure that Canadian pork producers gain access to Chinese markets as soon as possible.
“Farmers know that this Government always puts farmers first and is making sure that it can get more buyers bidding on its product around the world,” said Minister Ritz. “We are pleased that China has decided to no longer restrict Canadian pork. We will continue to work with them to get our safe and top-quality Canadian pork to the dinner tables in China as soon as possible.”
“This development is important for our trading relationship with China and it shows that they have taken a first step towards recognizing international standards in relation to dealing with H1N1,” said Minister Day. “We will continue to work closely with our Chinese counterparts to make sure that trade flows freely between our countries.”
Bans on imports of pork and swine from countries with human or animal cases of H1N1 do not comply with international standards. The World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) have stated that no additional trade restrictions should be imposed on pork that has passed veterinary inspection; that influenza viruses do not affect the safety of properly cooked pork and that influenza is not a food-borne disease.
China is an important market for Canadian exporters and Chinese importers of pork and live swine, with pork exports valued at $47 million in 2008.
PMO Press Office: 613-957-5555
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