
2019年11月20日 安大略渥太华/在选举日,加拿大人民选择了继续向前。全国上下,人们选择了投资于民、投资社区、创造优质的中产就业机会、抗击气候变化、同时保持我们的经济强劲和持续增长。加拿大人民传达了一个信息,他们希望我们携手共同努力、在最关系民众的重要问题上取得进展,从让人民生活更易于负担,到加强医疗保健体系,到保护环境,保障我们的社区安全,并推动与原住民人民和解的进程。人民期待所有议员们共同工作,在这些方面实现结果,而这正是我们团队要做的事情。

贾斯廷·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)总理今天举行宣誓仪式并宣布内阁成员。这一团队将共同努力,为所有加拿大人带来真正的、积极的变化。


Chrystia Freeland 方惠兰 任副总理兼内政部长
Anita Anand 安妮塔·阿南德 任公共服务及政府采购部长
Navdeep Bains 贝恩斯 任创新、科学和工业部长
Carolyn Bennett 卡罗琳·贝内特 续任政府-原住民关系部长
Marie-Claude Bibeau 玛丽·克劳德·比博 续任农业及农产食品部长
Bill Blair 比尔·布莱尔 任公共安全及应急准备部部长
Bardish Chagger 楚萱歌 任多元化、包容性及青年事务部长
François-Philippe Champagne 商鹏飞 任外交部长
Jean-Yves Duclos 让·伊夫·杜克洛 任库务委员会主席
Mona Fortier 莫娜·福尔蒂 任中产阶层发展部长及财政部副部长
Marc Garneau 马克·加诺 续任交通部长
Karina Gould 卡琳娜·古尔德 任国际发展部长
Steven Guilbeault 史蒂文·吉尔伯特 任加拿大文化部长
Patty Hajdu 帕蒂·海度 任卫生部长
Ahmed Hussen 胡森 任家庭、儿童及社会服务部长
Mélanie Joly 乔美兰 任经济发展和官方语言部长
Bernadette Jordan 伯纳黛特·乔丹 任渔业、海洋及加拿大海岸警卫队事务部长
David Lametti 大卫·拉梅蒂 续任司法部长及总检察长
Dominic LeBlanc 多米尼克·勒布朗 任加拿大枢密院主席
Diane Lebouthillier 黛安·莱布特希里 续任国家税务部长
Lawrence MacAulay 劳伦斯·麦考莱 续任退伍老兵事务部长及国防部副部长
Catherine McKenna 凯瑟琳·麦肯纳 任基础建设及社区部长
Marco E. L. Mendicino 马可·蒙蒂西罗 任移民、难民及公民部长
Marc Miller 马克·米勒 任原住民服务部长
Maryam Monsef 玛丽安·蒙塞夫 任妇女和性别平等以及乡村经济发展部长
Bill Morneau 莫尔诺 续任财政部长
Joyce Murray 梅丽乔 任数字化政府事务部长
Mary Ng 伍凤仪 任小企业、出口促进及国际贸易部长
Seamus O’Regan 西莫斯·奥雷根 任自然资源部长
Carla Qualtrough 卡拉·夸尔特罗 任就业、劳动力发展及无障碍化部长
Pablo Rodriguez 巴布罗·罗德里格斯 任众议院执政党领袖
Harjit Sajjan 石俊 续任国防部长
Deb Schulte 德布·舒尔特 任长者事务部长
Filomena Tassi 塔西 任劳工部长
Dan Vandal 丹·范德尔 任北部事务部长
Jonathan Wilkinson 乔纳森·威尔金森 任环境及气候变化部长

加拿大政府代表加拿大各地的加拿大人民。正因为这一原因,总理要求Jim Carr 卡尔担任大草原地区特别代表。他出生于温尼伯,在温尼伯长大,将确保阿尔伯塔省、萨斯喀彻温省和曼尼托巴省人民在渥太华拥有强有力的声音。

Pablo Rodriguez 巴布罗·罗德里格斯 将承担国会自由党党团魁北克专员的责任。

加拿大人期望他们的议员们为人民而共同合作。在议会执政党领袖罗德里格斯(Pablo Rodriguez)的领导下,以下的专门团队将负责与各政党合作,努力在关系到加拿大人民最重要的优先事项上争取进展:

Kirsty Duncan 邓肯 将担任众议院执政党副领袖
Mark Holland 马克·霍兰 将担任执政党首席党鞭
Ginette Petitpas Taylor珀蒂帕-泰勒 将担任执政党副党鞭
Kevin Lamoureux 凯文·拉穆勒 将担任众议院执政党领袖的议会助理



加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多Justin Trudeau阁下:





o 多元化、包容性及青年事务部长将得到加拿大文化部的支持。
o 中产阶层发展部长兼财政部副部长将得到加拿大财政部的支持。
o 经济发展和官方语言部长将得到加拿大创新、科学和经济发展部的支持,并获得加拿大文化部的进一步支持。该部部长还负责相关的区域发展机构。
o 妇女与性别平等和乡村经济发展部长将得到加拿大妇女与性别平等事务部的支持,并得到加拿大基础设施部和加拿大创新、科学与经济发展部的进一步支持。
o 小型企业、出口促进和国际贸易部长将得到加拿大全球事务部的支持,并获得加拿大创新、科学和经济发展部的进一步支持。


The Canadian Ministry
Cabinet committees

Prime Minister welcomes new Cabinet

November 20, 2019
Ottawa, Ontario

On election day, Canadians chose to continue moving forward. From coast to coast to coast, people chose to invest in their families and communities, create good middle class jobs, and fight climate change while keeping our economy strong and growing. Canadians sent the message that they want us to work together to make progress on the issues that matter most, from making their lives more affordable and strengthening the healthcare system, to protecting the environment, keeping our communities safe, and moving forward on reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. People expect Parliamentarians to work together to deliver these results, and that’s exactly what this team will do.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced the members of Cabinet following the swearing-in ceremony. This team will work to deliver real, positive change for all Canadians.

The members of the Cabinet are:

Chrystia Freeland becomes Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs
Anita Anand becomes Minister of Public Services and Procurement
Navdeep Bains becomes Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry
Carolyn Bennett remains Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations
Marie-Claude Bibeau remains Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
Bill Blair becomes Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Bardish Chagger becomes Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth
François-Philippe Champagne becomes Minister of Foreign Affairs
Jean-Yves Duclos becomes President of the Treasury Board
Mona Fortier becomes Minister of Middle Class Prosperity and Associate Minister of Finance
Marc Garneau remains Minister of Transport
Karina Gould becomes Minister of International Development
Steven Guilbeault becomes Minister of Canadian Heritage
Patty Hajdu becomes Minister of Health
Ahmed Hussen becomes Minister of Families, Children and Social Development
Mélanie Joly becomes Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages
Bernadette Jordan becomes Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
David Lametti remains Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Dominic LeBlanc becomes President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada
Diane Lebouthillier remains Minister of National Revenue
Lawrence MacAulay remains Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence
Catherine McKenna becomes Minister of Infrastructure and Communities
Marco E. L. Mendicino becomes Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Marc Miller becomes Minister of Indigenous Services
Maryam Monsef becomes Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development
Bill Morneau remains Minister of Finance
Joyce Murray becomes Minister of Digital Government
Mary Ng becomes Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade
Seamus O’Regan becomes Minister of Natural Resources
Carla Qualtrough becomes Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Pablo Rodriguez becomes Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
Harjit Sajjan remains Minister of National Defence
Deb Schulte becomes Minister of Seniors
Filomena Tassi becomes Minister of Labour
Dan Vandal becomes Minister of Northern Affairs
Jonathan Wilkinson becomes Minister of Environment and Climate Change

The Government of Canada represents Canadians in every part of the country. That is why the Prime Minister has asked Jim Carr to serve as his special representative for the Prairies. Born and raised in Winnipeg, he will ensure that the people of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba have a strong voice in Ottawa.

Pablo Rodriguez will be assuming the responsibility of Quebec Lieutenant.

Canadians expect their Parliamentarians to work together on their behalf. Under the leadership of Government House Leader Pablo Rodriguez, the following team will work with all parties to make progress on the priorities that matter most to Canadians:

Kirsty Duncan will serve as Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons

Mark Holland will serve as Chief Government Whip
Ginette Petitpas Taylor will serve as Deputy Government Whip
Kevin Lamoureux will serve as Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
The Prime Minister also announced changes to the structure and mandate of the Cabinet committees to reflect Canadians’ top priorities. The new list of Cabinet committees is as follows:

Cabinet Committee on Agenda, Results and Communications
Cabinet Committee on Operations
Cabinet Committee on Global Affairs and Public Security
Cabinet Committee on Reconciliation
Cabinet Committee on Economy and the Environment
Cabinet Committee on Health and Social Affairs
Treasury Board
Incident Response Group


“Today, I can introduce the strong, diverse, and experienced team that will work together to tackle the big issues that matter to people from coast to coast to coast. Whether it’s making life more affordable for the middle class, taking action on climate change, or keeping our communities safe we will continue working tirelessly for all Canadians.”

The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Quick Facts

The current Ministry consists of the Prime Minister and 36 ministers. In keeping with the precedent set in the previous Ministry, there is an equal number of women and men.
The Government of Canada will provide support to the new portfolios as follows:
The Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth will be supported by Canadian Heritage.
The Minister of Middle Class Prosperity and Associate Minister of Finance will be supported by Finance Canada.
The Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages will be supported by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, with additional support from Canadian Heritage. The Minister is also responsible for the regional development agencies.
The Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development will be supported by Women and Gender Equality Canada with additional support from Infrastructure Canada and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.
The Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade will be supported by Global Affairs Canada, with additional support from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.

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The Canadian Ministry
Cabinet committees