

星报专讯/位于士刁大道(Steeles Avenue)南北两面互相竞争的3个大型华人商场周二在士嘉堡区议会内力争进行大规模扩建计划的权利。

士嘉堡政界人士表示,面对来自万锦市的激烈竞争,现在是时候站起来支持本身社区。市议员凯利(Norm Kelly)更加形容有关竞争“将会活生生将我们吃掉”。



问题的焦点在于座落士刁大道士嘉堡那方的锦绣中华(Splendid China Square Inc.)希望将商场用地扩建至接近目前面积的3倍。锦绣中华现时面积为96,000平方尺,该个华人购物商场打算增添197,000平方尺用地,足够容纳600家店铺及1个5层高停车场。

但紧紧盯着锦绣中华的是位于士刁大道另一边占地27万平方尺的太古广场(Pacific Mall)及占地30万平方尺的城市广场(Market Village)。太古广场及城市广场最近均向当局呈交30万尺的扩建计划建议。

代表该两个万锦市商场的律师表示,坚尼地道(Kennedy Rd.)夹士刁大道一带的交通已经非常挤塞。城市广场的代表律师霍罗斯科(Barry Horosko)指出,锦绣中华呈交的研究并没有理会多伦多边界以北地区的发展,那是“不切实际及不负责任”的做法。


锦绣中华的代表律师莱丝克(Signe Leisk)表示,城市广场提出的扩建计划是个战术性策略。莱丝克指出:“该项扩建申请只是在上周提交,那并非1个完整的申请。”她续称:“它们提交扩建申请,目的只是在于企图阻延锦绣中华的相关申请。”

市议员亚殊顿(Brian Ashton)对于太古广场及城市广场指称它们主要忧虑在于交通的说法存疑。亚殊顿认为,它们只不过是参与“密度竞赛”。


市议员狄格兰(Mike Del Grande)指出,锦绣中华提交申请时同意支付兴建新道路藉以纾缓交通挤塞的所需费用,亦同意支付在有高需求地区兴建1间社区中心的费用。



市议员早前表决通过在12月举行的安省市政委员会(Ontario Municipal Board)聆讯上支持锦绣中华提出的建议。万锦市及敌对的商场亦将列席会议。

Big rival malls want to get bigger

Competition from Markham could `eat us alive,’ says Scarborough councillor as proposals weighed

Oct 03, 2007 04:30 AM
John Spears
City hall bureau

Rival Asian malls north and south of Steeles Ave. duelled for the right to proceed with major expansions yesterday at Scarborough community council.

And Scarborough politicians said it’s time to stand up for their community in the face of aggressive competition from Markham that threatens to “eat us alive,” in the words of Councillor Norm Kelly.

“We want to co-operate with Markham,” Kelly said in an interview. “But in order to do that I think we’ve got to get their attention.”

At issue is a proposal by Splendid China Square Inc., the 96,000-square-foot shopping centre on the Scarborough side of Steeles, to nearly triple in size. It hopes to add 197,000 square feet – enough for an Asian mall with 600 shops – plus a five-level parking garage.

But staring Splendid China in the face are the 270,000-square-foot Pacific Mall and 300,000-square-foot Market Village, which recently filed its own plans for a 300,000-square-foot expansion.

Lawyers for the Markham malls said the area around Kennedy and Steeles Aves. is already clogged with traffic. Studies submitted by Splendid China ignore development north of the Toronto boundary, and that’s “unrealistic and irresponsible,” said Market Village lawyer Barry Horosko.

“I’m not saying: `Turn these people down,'” Horosko told councillors. “I’m saying there is missing information.”

Signe Leisk, lawyer for Splendid China, said Market Village’s proposed expansion is a tactical gambit. “This application was submitted just last week, and it was not a complete application,” she argued. “This has been put forward just for the purpose of trying to delay the Splendid China application.”

Councillor Brian Ashton was skeptical of claims by the Markham malls that their main worry is traffic. He argued they were simply engaged in a “race for density.”

The Markham malls say there’s no race, because they’re already zoned for growth and only need detailed site plan approval. Splendid China is still seeking the needed zoning.

Councillor Mike Del Grande noted that Splendid China has agreed, in its application, to pay for new road work to ease congestion, as well as a community centre in an area designated high-priority.

The city gets no such benefit from the Markham malls, he said, even though the traffic they generate affects Toronto as well.

Kelly said Markham has been aggressive in allowing high-density developments.

In effect, they’re asking Toronto to tailor its development to suit Markham, he said.

Councillors voted to support Splendid China’s proposal at an Ontario Municipal Board hearing in December. Markham and the rival malls will also have standing.


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