
指中国冀藉孔学争取全球民心 加情报局发孔子学院“阴谋论”

明报编译版:(渥太华28日加新社电)中国标榜和平崛起,并说不以武力慑服世人。根据加拿大保安情报局(Canadian Security Intelligence Service)的解密报告,中国要施展“软功”,用孔子学说争取全世界的民心,建立它的实力。

保安情报局的报告说,中国在全球各地设立孔子学院(Confucius Institute),宣扬中国语言文化,目的是增加它的影响力。


加新社按《资料索取法》(Access to Information Act)取得加拿大保安情报局最新解密报告,得悉报告内容。报告说,中国在全世界笼络人心,不止是经济市场。



保安情报局负责人贾德(Jim Judd)最近承认,情报局花费大量精力监控中国方面的活动。



它提到德国歌德学院(German Goethe Institutes)、西班牙塞万提斯学院(Spanish Cervantes Institutes)、法国文化协会(French Alliance Francaise)等文化机构,表示孔子学院的功用和它们一样。


BCIT温哥华孔子学院发言人马金(Allison Markin)说,学校未意识到情报局对它感兴趣。“我们是教育机构……我们向人们灌输教育。”

满地可麦基尔大学(McGill University)东亚教育教授耶茨(Robin Yates)说,中国与西方的文化联系,正在追赶台湾、南韩和日本。

中国大使馆教育处一秘翟建军(Zhai Jianjun)说,孔子学院首要是将中国语言和文化带到全球各个角落。



星岛日报编译版:加通社渥太华电/中国政府近年在全球广设孔子学院(Confucius Institutes),推广中文和中国文化。加拿大情报机构对此充满戒心,害怕中国借先贤孔夫子之名增加世界影响力。


情报局报告并非泛泛而谈,其所指正是中国遍布全球的逾100所孔子学院,其中一所就设在温哥华的卑斯理工大学(British Columbia Institute of Technology)。



情报局局长贾德(Jim Judd)最近就承认,为监视中国一举一动曾耗费相当力气。中国政府则否认企图攫取加方军事及工业技术情报。


这份2月提交的情报局报告中一些章节已被抹去,但它显然把孔子学院描绘为中国运用所谓“软实力”(soft power)的精心策划。

加情报机构亦注意到孔子学院已被与德国的歌德学院(Goethe Institutes),西班牙的塞万提斯学院(Cervantes Institute)和法国的法语联合学院(Alliance Francaise)相提并论。





卑斯理工大学发言人玛菁(Allison Markin)表示学校只是教育机构,不会从政治、安全角度看待问题。她表示事先不知情报局对孔子学院有这般兴趣。

麦基尔大学东亚研究教授雅茨(Robin Yates)认为,台湾、韩国、日本与西方建立文化联系的欲望更胜于中国;中国虽然经济繁荣昌盛,但施加影响的努力非常失败,现在开办孔子学院,只不过想追赶前三个国家而已。



Confucius enlisted in China’s power play

May 29, 2007

CP Ottawa — Canada’s spy service believes China has enlisted Confucius, the master of enduring wisdom, in its drive for global dominance.

A newly declassified intelligence report by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service says Beijing is out to win the world’s hearts and minds, not just its economic markets, as a means of cementing power.

The secret CSIS brief, obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act, points to the creation of more than 100 Confucius Institutes around the world, including one at the British Columbia Institute of Technology in Vancouver.

The Confucius Institutes, the brainchild of Beijing’s Ministry of Education, primarily promote Chinese language and culture.

“In other words, China wants the world to have positive feelings toward China and things Chinese,” the CSIS report says.

“For China to achieve its goals, people must admire China to some degree.”

In 2005, The Globe and Mail reported on the opening of 27 branches of the Confucius Institute around the world in less than a year, including one at BCIT. The article warned about a “charm offensive” on the part of Beijing, and its plans to open 100 such institutes around the world before 2010.

CSIS director Jim Judd recently acknowledged the agency devotes considerable effort to keeping an eye on monitoring Chinese operatives.

The CSIS report, portions of which were blacked out, paints the spread of Confucius Institutes as a calculated use of the discipline known as “soft power.”

“While academics debate the relative importance of hard power – tanks, missiles, guns and the like – versus soft power, the People’s Republic of China government views the soft power concept as useful,” the February intelligence report says. Since the opening of Canada’s first Confucius Institute, agreements have been struck to create institutes in Waterloo, Ont., Montreal and Moncton, N.B.

Robin Yates, a professor of East Asian studies at Montreal’s McGill University, said China is trying to play catch-up with Taiwan, Korea and Japan, which have been more aggressive about forging cultural ties with the West.

“China, with its burgeoning economy, has failed rather miserably in its efforts at projecting its interests.”

But “evidence of the increasing appeal of Chinese culture in Western society is all around us,” the intelligence report says.

The growing popularity of Chinese films, the emergence of NBA star Yao Ming, Chinese manned space flights and the coming 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing “all suggest at least a modest rise in Chinese soft power.”

CSIS says once the Beijing Olympics are over, the Confucius Institutes will “take a more prominent place in China’s efforts to increase its standing in the world.”


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