



9日,美国路易斯安那州诺科,人们站在岸边,看着密西西比河洪水穿过邦卡莱泄洪道新打开的闸门。建造这个泄洪道最初用于应对1927年大洪水,将密西西比河河水分流到庞恰特雷恩湖。10日,田纳西州孟菲斯的密西西比河水位接近48 英尺(约合14.6米),距离历史最高水位不到1英尺(约合30.48 厘米)。


Weather Underground网站气象学负责人杰夫·马斯特斯指出,密西西比河从某种意义上说是两条河,上密西西比河和下密西西比河。下密西西比河起源于伊利诺斯州、密苏里州和肯塔基州边界的俄亥俄河汇合处。由于河流交汇并继续向南流动,俄亥俄河谷的大雨和融雪能够提高密西西比河洪水的可怕程度。马斯特斯表示,2011年的密西西比河洪水由明尼苏达州和达科他州的大雨和大规模融雪所致,是自上世纪初以来唯一一次波及美国中部的大洪水。



Mississippi River Flooding
Photograph by Patrick Semansky, AP

This gallery is part of a special National Geographic News series on global water issues.

People watch as floodwaters from the Mississippi River gush through newly opened gates in the Bonnet Carre Spillway in Norco, Louisiana, on Monday. The spillway, built in response to the Great Flood of 1927, diverts water from the Mississippi into Lake Pontchartrain.

At Memphis (map), Tennessee, the swollen Mississippi river crested Tuesday at nearly 48 feet (14.6 meters)—not quite a foot below the record flood level.

The Mississippi River originates at Lake Itasca in Minnesota (map) and flows about 2,300 miles (3,701 kilometers) to the Gulf of Mexico. The current flood is expected to reach Natchez, Mississippi, by May 21, and arrive in the Gulf around the end of this month. Even now residents in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana are piling up sandbags and building earthen barriers as the surge of floodwater continues its journey downriver.

The Mississippi and its dozens of tributaries, which form the world’s third largest drainage basin, have been flooding for centuries. Spanish explorers wrote about a huge flood that widened the Mississippi River to about 80 miles (128 kilometers) at one point in 1543. Under normal conditions, the river’s widest point is about a mile (1.6 kilometers) across near Alton, Illinois.

Jeff Masters, meteorological director for the website Weather Underground, noted that the Mississippi is, in a sense, two rivers—the upper and lower Mississippi. The lower Mississippi begins at the confluence of the Ohio River at the borders of Illinois, Missouri, and Kentucky (map). Heavy rains and snowmelt in the Ohio River Valley can add to Mississippi River flooding as the waters meet and continue southward.

This year’s floods were caused by intense rainfall and the melting of heavy winter snows in Minnesota and the Dakotas, Masters said. But the 2011 flooding is only the latest in a series of major floods that have soaked the country’s midsection since the early 1900s.

(Read more about how we can mitigate Mississippi River flooding in National Geographic Freshwater Fellow Sandra Postel’s most recent blog post: “Mississippi Floods Can Be Restrained With Natural Defenses.”)

—Willie Drye

Published May 10, 2011


1903 Mississippi River Flood
Photograph courtesy Detroit Publishing Company/Library of Congress



The steamer S.S. Chalmette sits docked near a New Orleans levee in the muddy, flood-swollen Mississippi River on March 23, 1903.

In February that year, heavy rains had caused the Ohio and lower Mississippi Rivers to steadily rise throughout the month. When another moisture-laden storm moved across the Ohio River Valley on February 27, the U.S. Weather Bureau issued flood warnings for the Ohio River from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Cincinnati, Ohio.

More heavy rains fell in early March, further swelling the Ohio and lower Mississippi Rivers. Although the floodwaters were weeks away from the Gulf Coast, New Orleans was warned to prepare for high water. (Related: “New Orleans Levees Not Built for Worst Case Events.”)

Published May 10, 2011



Mississippi’s Roaring Twenties
Photograph courtesy National Photo Company/Library of Congress




An unidentified region lies under Mississippi River floodwaters in April 1927. During the spring of 1927, the “granddaddy” of all floods inundated parts of seven U.S. states and left about 800,000 people homeless.

Levees started failing as the floodwaters raced down tributaries into the Mississippi River and surged toward the Gulf of Mexico. Historian Clint Bagley said his parents recalled dogs starting to bark as roaring floodwaters approached their Mississippi home.

By late April floodwaters threatened to top the levees protecting New Orleans, yet the worst of the flood was still several weeks away. On April 29 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers used dynamite to blow a 1,500-foot (457-meter) gap in a levee south of New Orleans to relieve pressure on the rest of the city’s levees.

Historian Grady Howell of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History noted that the “staggering” cost of the Great Flood was about a billion dollars—at a time when the national debt was three billion.

The flood caused dramatic social and economic upheaval, Howell said, and prompted the U.S. government to begin the ambitious Mississippi flood-control program—mainly the building and maintaining of levees—that continues today.

Published May 10, 2011



Saving Cairo, 1937
Photograph courtesy Farm Security Administration/Library of Congress




Floodwaters race over a levee that was dynamited to save Cairo, Illinois, during a 1937 Mississippi River flood. U.S. National Guard troops had to ward off armed and angry farmers who wanted to prevent the levee’s destruction from flooding their croplands.

In January that year heavy rain and snow swelled the Ohio and upper Mississippi Rivers, and levees were strained to bursting by the end of the month. Memphis, Tennessee, and other cities were flooded, and National Guard troops were on patrol in some places to prevent people from destroying levees to divert floodwaters away from their properties.

History repeated itself on May 2, 2011, when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers blasted open an earthen levee to divert rising floodwaters away from Cairo and into Missouri farmland. The swollen Ohio River had climbed to 61.2 feet (18.6 meters) that afternoon, breaking the 1937 record of 59.5 feet (18.1 meters), the Associated Press reported.

Published May 10, 2011



Mississippi Manor, 1983
Photograph by Nathan Benn, Corbis


Early morning fog shrouds a 19th-century house standing amid floodwaters in Greenwood, Mississippi, in March 1983. The house was a victim of floods in the Yalobusha River, a tributary of the lower Mississippi River.

The 1983 flood was the second severest flood on the lower Mississippi since 1927. Costs were estimated at U.S. $15.7 million, mostly from damaged river industries, docking facilities, and widespread agricultural losses.

Published May 10, 2011



Sandbagging the Mississippi, 1993
Photograph by Jodi Cobb, National Geographic



Residents of Des Moines, Iowa, stand on piles of sandbags during a 1993 flood along a tributary of the Mississippi River.

As the spring of 1993 turned to summer, a high-pressure weather system that sometimes forms off the East Coast appeared, and upper-level winds known as the jet stream swung south. The combination of factors held summer storms in place instead of allowing them to be swept eastward, as they normally are.

Heavy spring rains had already saturated much of the Midwest, so there was no outlet for the record-setting summer rainfall, which drenched the Midwest and the upper Mississippi River and its tributaries.

By early July, parts of nine U.S. states were under water. Iowa—where some places saw more than three feet (about a meter) of rain in only a few months—was one of the hardest hit.

Des Moines residents piled up thousands of sandbags, hoping to keep the flooded Raccoon and Des Moines Rivers at bay. But during the weekend of July 10 and 11, floodwaters surged into the city, knocking out power and the city’s water-purification plant as well as flooding homes and businesses.

Published May 10, 2011

美国密西西比河启闸分洪 影响25000人及万余房屋

中新社纽约5月14日电 (记者 孙宇挺)由于美国密西西比河水位不断上升,美国陆军工程兵团14日下午升起了位于路易斯安那州州府巴吞鲁日市附近莫干扎泄洪道的闸门,将密西西比河高涨的洪水引入阿查法拉亚河流域的农田和牧场。








密西西比州洪峰直逼历史纪录 威胁沿岸多地











为防止洪水进一步威胁伊利诺斯州凯罗城,美国陆军工兵部队(the Army Corps of Engineers)5月2日傍晚在密苏里州怀亚特(Wyatt)附近一处河堤上炸出一个1.1万英尺(3352.8米)的缺口。





