



具体操作安排中国汽车进入北美市场的中美汽车合作公司表示,将在加拿大销售的车款,是吉利公司出产的小型卡车(pickup)和多功能车(SUV),起价1万3500美元左右,准备第一年销出1万5000 辆。这样的价钱,比目前加拿大市场上同类汽车中最便宜的都要低20%。


作为中介和推销商的中国汽车合作公司,在帮助外国汽车进军北美市场方面很有经验,最近二十年来,已帮助许多外国品牌顺利地进入了美国市场,在20世纪80年代,韩国现代汽车曾与 CHAMCO 公司合作把现代汽车成功地打入了美国市场。







尽管艰难多险,但敢于藐视重重障碍、勇闯北美市场的中国汽车制造公司,其实不止吉利一家,至少在五年前,美国商界名人布瑞克林(Malcolm Brincklin)即开始为在美国销售中国奇瑞汽车公司的产品布局。布瑞克林当时扬言,他将从2007年夏季起,在美国出售零售价预期为1万9000美元的奇瑞中型轿车,并将在美国各地设立200家经销店,如果一切顺利,未来还要进军加拿大。可是,中国奇瑞进军北美之事在前年底即无疾而终。





加国无忧网编译 作者:小牧

正在美国底特律举行的国际汽车展览会(2008 North American International Auto Show in Detroit)上,中国汽车制造厂家一共有5家公司参展。这前所未有的阵容着实吸引了不少目光。然而,还没有等大家的注意力消散,“中国军团”又爆惊人消息。据《环球邮报》报道,有两家参展的中国汽车制造商忽然于会上高调宣布:计划于2009年将其轿车和轻卡销往加拿大!众所周知,加拿大汽车市场竞争激烈如火,而这两家中国公司的决定无疑将使火上浇油。

据悉,这两家公司分别是中美合作汽车公司(China America Cooperative Automotive Inc;简称“Chamco”)和浙江吉利汽车控股集团公司(Geely Holdings Group)。所谓没有金刚钻,不揽瓷器活,他们既然敢搅加拿大汽车市场这浑水,做中国汽车行业大规模进军加国的开路先锋,想必一定有什么制胜的法宝吧?面对着记者们的疑问,中美合作汽车公司的CEO威廉·博拉克(William Pollack)的回答显得雄心勃勃且信心十足。

他表示,“质量、款式和价格”就是他手上的三样法宝。他旗下的中国汽车已在全世界154个国家销售,并在地球环境最恶劣的地区进行过试验,用户反应和性能成绩都很好。而明年,中美公司率先打入加拿大汽车市场的车型是皮卡(pickup truck)和SUV,起价仅13,000美元,比市场上同类车辆低了足足有20%!最后,博拉克更声称他们计划明年在加国销售15000台车。


而吉利公司则没有像中美公司这么大张旗鼓,也没有提及具体的销售计划。不过,这次展览会上吉利公司的参展产品是FC紧凑型轿车(compact car)和形似伦敦出租车的TX4型轿车,所以有相关人士估计,明年他们打入加拿大市场的产品就是这两种中的一种,或是类似车型。

中国汽车打入加拿大后会对本地的汽车市场的格局带来什么样的影响,他们能占领多少市场份额呢?业内人士对此观点十分不统一。烈治文山德鲁西汽车顾问公司(DesRosiers Automotive Consultants Inc.)总裁、产业分析家丹尼斯·德鲁西就对中国汽车日后在加拿大的销售情况并不表示乐观。他说,虽然中国汽车价格便宜,但只不过是劳动力成本低廉造成的,而这并不是不可打破的优势。现在越来越多的国际大汽车生产商在中国建立了制造点,这个优势已渐渐被共享了。其实,作为加拿大本地人,他们还是更愿意购买那些大公司在中国生产的商品,质量、性能有保证,价钱又高不到哪里去,比中国公司自己的产品更可靠。德鲁西最后说:“中国汽车无论是在舒适度、光洁度还是总体质量上都不足以和北美的同行们媲美,他们在销售上至少还有5年的路才能赶上他们呢!”

不过,以新车评分而闻名的美国著名消费者调查公司J. D. Power and Associates却不这么认为,该公司加拿大业务顾问部执行主管理查德·库珀(Richard Cooper)昨天对记者表示,中国汽车进军加拿大,其势不可小觑。他说,不可否认,顾客对新产品都会有所疑惑,但是中国汽车商是有备而来,自然有办法打消顾客们的种种疑惑。库珀还强调说,业内人士恐怕都应该重视起来。


如前所述,中国汽车的最大优势是价格低廉,但从评论来看,网友似乎对中国汽车的价格优势并不十分在意。评论中,仅有很小一小部分人为价格便宜的中国汽车进军加拿大而大声叫好。正如《环球邮报》本地读者Randal Oulton大声欢呼道:“让他们来吧!劳工阶层再也不需要用二次抵押的方式来买车了!”然而,他的欢呼并没有得到很多人的附和。


而《环球邮报》多伦多读者gao gao的话想必代表了多数人的心声,他说:“就像当初日本车和韩国车刚来的那时候一样,我最注重的还是安全性能。我想,我要等上至少5年,看看情况,再决定买不买中国车。”而针对中国车进军加拿大,他则评论道:“选择越多,对消费者总是越好吧。”



Norihiko Shirouzu是《华尔街日报》的记者,当天展会一开馆,就来到吉利的展台,第一时间采访吉利集团董事长李书福。Norihiko Shirouzu说,中国汽车工业现在发展的速度非常快,引起了世界范围内的广泛关注,吉利汽车作为中国汽车工业的佼佼者,也给人留下了非常深刻的发展印象。他在和李书福董事长的采访中感受到,吉利是一个脚踏实地的企业,它有着自己的发展思路和规划,沿着自己的目标正在不断的前进。Norihiko Shirouzu对吉利倡导技术领先的理念非常赞同,他说,坚持技术领先的观念非常好,不论在中国还是在美国,甚至在世界的任何一个国家,能够促使企业持续发展的关键并不是价格,而是技术,只有技术的领先才能保持产品的核心竞争力。Norihiko Shirouzu用“收获”这样的词语来形容他对吉利的采访,他表示通过对吉利的近距离接触,让他感受到了一个中国企业的抱负和务实的态度,他和他所在的《华尔街日报》将继续关注吉利的发展。 

Sharon Silke Carty是《今日美国》的记者,在此次展会之前她对吉利、对中国汽车并不了解,只知道吉利是首家参加底特律北美车展的中国企业,这次吉利汽车再度赴美,她很想实地了解中国汽车发展的现状。Norihiko Shirouzu说,质量是衡量一个汽车产品最重要的指标,只有在质量第一的前提下,一切目标和期望才有保障和基础。吉利现在提出技术领先的理念非常符合这个规律,只有保证技术上不断领先,才能在世界汽车的质量竞争中先人一步。Norihiko Shirouzu还对即将在当地时间1月14日发布的重大技术成果表示了浓厚的兴趣。她说,汽车安全技术一直是世界汽车界关注的焦点,目前在汽车领域并没有什么突破性、权威性的技术和标准,吉利能够在底特律北美车展举行有关汽车安全方面的成果发布会,仅这一点就十分值得期待。 



12家主流车企2007年成绩单 半数车企歉收







中国自主品牌车企亮相底特律 参展利弊再惹争议

2008年01月15日 10:52 来源:第一财经日报


















中国车进军美国加拿大 作秀露怯

万维读者网上官天乙综合报道,昨天世界日报刚刚披露中国吉利汽车进军加拿大的消息 ,今天,环球时报又说中国车进军美国,在底特律车展上作秀露怯。华尔街日报报道说,希望开拓海外业务的中国汽车制造商正在谨慎而稳健地接近美国市场。大多数中国轿车在安全性和环保标准方面仍落后于日本及欧美厂家。美国一些汽车业人士和媒体记者对中国厂家展出的车型提出了批评意见。但由于定价较低,这些汽车吸引了俄罗斯和拉丁美洲等新兴市场买家。同时,中国汽车的质量也在迅速提高。几个中国厂家的展台设在主展厅的楼下,这种待遇就好比在家庭聚餐时被安排在儿童桌旁。

参观了中国厂家展出的汽车,丰田汽车美国销售部门的董事长兼首席执行长Yukitoshi Funo说,比他预想的要好很多。但中国企业仍需要证明他们的销售和服务能力。产品本身并不能确保销售的成功。

据环球时报记者李洁思报道, 1月13日在底特律的北美国际汽车展上,中国公司引起了格外关注。诸多媒体在惊呼“中国制造商向美国市场进发”的同时,也指出了中国汽车商从制造技术到售后服务的诸多问题,有的还嘲笑参展厂商把名片上的名字印错、说明书的英文很蹩脚,读起来“很痛苦”。专家指出,中国汽车品牌无论硬件还是软件的建设都还不具备“占领国际市场”的能力,某些企业盲目参加国际车展,可能会对整个中国汽车工业的国际形象造成不良影响。








据世界日报消息,中国吉利汽车公司和中美汽车合作公司(Chamco)已经宣布,將从明年起在加拿大以低廉的价格销售吉利汽车。具体操作安排中国汽车进入北美市场的中美汽车合作公司表示,將在加拿大销售的车款,是吉利公司生产的小型卡车(pickup)和多功能车(SUV),起价1万3500美元左右,准备第一年销出1万5000 辆。这样的价钱,比目前加拿大市场上同类汽车中最便宜的都要低20%。


报道说,作為中介和推销商的中国汽车合作公司,在帮助外国汽车进军北美市场方面很有经验,最近二十年来,已帮助许多外国品牌顺利地进入了美国市场,在20世纪80年代,韩国现代汽车曾与 CHAMCO 公司合作把现代汽车成功地打入了美国市场。 但北美汽车市场是全球竞爭最激烈、标准和都要求最高的地区,经济和科技实力均比较低下的吉利公司,是否能在这个市场站得住脚,值得观察。



吉利公司是1980年代中期才起步的乡镇企业,最初以制造冰箱配件起家,1994年涉足摩托车製造,1997年才开始著手制造微型汽车。虽然该公司发展迅速,然而不要说在全球的排名,就是在中国的汽车行业內,规模和財力也都相当靠后。 可见吉利车正是环球时报所谓非中国龙头品牌。






另据环球时报2006年9月30日的报道 ,已经举办了108年的巴黎车展是世界五大车展之一,当年巴黎车展的亮点之一就是,来自中国的自主品牌汽车首次在巴黎车展亮相,引起各国媒体的关注。









China gearing up for North American auto market
Updated Mon. Jan. 14 2008 10:05 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

Chinese automakers are getting ready to crack the North American market — with price as their main selling point.

At the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, four Chinese carmakers and an importer are showing off their best models.

Two years ago, only one Chinese manufacturer was at the show.

But just as the Japanese and Koreans before them, quality may be an issue early on, says Toronto-based auto analyst Dennis Desrosiers.

“I’m totally underwhelmed with the product in terms of fit, finish, power, ergonomics, design, that passes the muster for North America,” he told CTV News. “It probably is adequate enough to fill a role as a used-car substitute.”

Still, with more than two million Canadians buying a used car last year, a new car in the same price range may be a niche that the Chinese can exploit.

“They have one thing and one thing only to sell — and that’s price,” said Desrosiers.

Some Chinese car makers believe their new cars could sell for as little as $6,000.

China America Co-operative Automotive Inc. (Chamco) importers is planning to sell 15,000 vehicles in Canada. The vehicles, a pickup truck and an SUV, are expected to retail for less than $15,000.

“It would be a used-car buyer who would be able to buy a new car, with a new car warranty, for the same as he would pay for the used that he was consideringm but there will be some new car buyers that will consider the product as well,” Chamco’s Tom Telfer told CTV News.

The other company looking to sell cars in Canada is Geely.

(The Geely exhibit is seen at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Sunday, Jan. 13, 2008. (AP / Carlos Osorio))

Even if the Chinese don’t see a lot of sales, they could put pressure on other manufacturers to lower prices — which would end up helping consumers.

“GM, Ford, Chrysler, Honda, Toyota are incredibly intense competitors,” said Desrosiers. “They would respond.”

Canadian consumers will have to wait a while before Chinese cars actually hit showroom floors.

The first models could be in select regions of Canada as early as 2009 but coast-to-coast sales are likely still five years away.

With a report from CTV’s David Akin and files from The Associated Press


Chinese automakers aim at North American market
Last Updated: Monday, January 14, 2008 | 9:28 AM ET
The Associated Press

Chinese automakers are showing increasing interest in cracking the lucrative North American market.

A Chinese model dressed as a guardsman stands next to a new London taxi manufactured by the Chinese company Geely on the opening day for the public of the Auto Shanghai exhibition on April 22, 2007.
(Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images)

Over the past year, Chinese companies have worked on the quality and performance of their vehicles but industry experts say they’ll need to persuade drivers that an inexpensive, Chinese-made car is a better value than a used car by an established U.S. or Japanese company.

Two years ago, a lone Geely Automobile Co. sedan marked the first time a Chinese automaker displayed at the North American International Auto Show.

Last year, Geely was absent but China’s Changfeng Motor Group showed a pair of small sport utility vehicles and two pickups in a more polished display.

This year, four Chinese automakers and an importer have displays. Geely is back with eight vehicles and Changfeng returned with two SUVs, plus two more vehicles that were to be unveiled Monday. Two companies are planning to sell cars in Canada, the Globe and Mail reported.

Geely and the China America Co-operative Automotive Inc. (Chamco) importers said they plan to sell vehicles in Canada in 2009. Chamco said it is planning to sell 15,000. On offer will be a pickup truck and an SUV. Prices will start at about $13,500, company officials said.

Cars to roll out in Canada in 2009
Sales will start in the United States this year and in Canada early in 2009, assuming the vehicles can meet Canadian standards, the company said.

“These are … durable, quality cars,” William Pollack, Chamco’s chairman and chief executive, said in an interview Sunday.

“I think the consumers will embrace the cars.”

Pollack said his company — and the Chinese — recognize the importance of getting it right when selling to U.S. drivers. Chamco has focused on making sure quality is high and prices are low, an estimated 20 per cent less than comparable models. Styling, he noted, follows that of established automakers.

Jack Nerad, executive market analyst for Kelley Blue Book auto guide in Irvine, Calif., said Japanese and South Korean companies faced similar quality concerns in their earlier days as those now facing Chinese automakers. Key, he said, will be how well those first cars stack up against current models in the U.S. market.

“It’s an obstacle, but certainly not an insurmountable one. There certainly will be some skepticism about Chinese-built cars,” Nerad said.

“They have to hit the ground with high quality. Stumbles early with product quality can be devastating.”


Geely grabs initiative, plans to expand in U.S. and Canada

Dave Hall, Windsor Star
Published: Wednesday, January 11, 2006

More than two decades after Japanese automakers first started making inroads into the North American market, another Asian competitor has its sights set on following suit.

Unveiling its plans to sell a compact sedan in the U.S. and Canadian markets within three years, China-based Geely Automotive Co. made its intentions abundantly clear Tuesday.

Company chairman Li Shufu said “our goal is to present to the American people another choice for the family sedan, a vehicle that has the highest quality but is available at the lowest price.”

Frank Zu, sales director for Geely International Corp., said the company wants to gradually increase its stable of models by adapting those it already sells in China for wider global distribution. The company already sells a small sports car, a pick-up, a full-size luxury vehicle as well as a hatchback model.

The vehicle on display here features a 1.49 litre, four-cylinder engine, air conditioning, power steering, alloy wheels, fabric seats and CD player.

Capitalizing on a workforce which it pays less than $4 an hour, compared to the $30 being paid in most North American assembly plants, Geely expects the car to sell for less than $10,000.

Geely, which went into the automotive business in 1996, now sells more than 100,000 vehicles annually in China.

While the majority of its domestic competitors have acquired technology through joint ventures with companies such as Honda, General Motors and Volkswagen, Geely has been quietly developing its own after first starting out manufacturing bicycles and motor scooters.

In defending Geely’s decision to remain independent, Li said “Joint ventures will fade away over time. In the future, it will be private Chinese companies that rule the industry.”

China already has three state-owned automakers but only one currently produces a vehicle.

Touted by Bricklin

Chery, another private competitor being touted by Malcolm Bricklin, has announced it will start selling cars in the U.S. by next year.

And it’s this new-found reliance on home-grown technology which should make the remainder of the global industry take notice, said Howard Lin, a business professor at the University of Windsor and an expert on the burgeoning Chinese manufacturing sector.

Lin said that Geely and Chery are the first two “indigenous Chinese automakers in that they are developing their own technology and not relying on joint ventures. There’s a new spirit of entrepreneurship developing in China and these two companies are at the forefront.

“I think a lot of North American competitors will be justified in being concerned about what the future may hold once China enters the marketplace.”

While existing global automakers are seeking to tap into the populous Asian markets, Asian manufacturers in all fields have long since recognized the value of becoming a presence in the affluent North American and European markets.

“At the moment, Geely’s market share in China is not huge and its brand it not as good as its joint venture competitors, but the company has a vision and a dream to be successful abroad,” said Lin.

“They are working very hard to improve quality and realize that is critical if they are to achieve their ultimate target of selling cars in North America.”


Chinese cars headed for Canada at cut-rate prices


Monday, January 14, 2008 Page A1


DETROIT — Two Chinese companies are planning to sell cars and trucks in Canada next year and promising rock-bottom prices in a move that will ratchet up the already fierce competition in the Canadian market.

Representatives of China America Cooperative Automotive Inc. (Chamco) and Geely Holdings Group said yesterday at the Detroit auto show that they plan to sell vehicles in Canada in 2009, with Chamco claiming an ambitious sales target of 15,000 vehicles.

A pickup truck and a sport-utility vehicle will be sold by Chamco at prices 20-per-cent lower than similar models now on the market, chief executive officer William Pollack said yesterday. Prices will start at the equivalent of about $13,500 (U.S.).

“Quality, style and price,” will enable the auto maker to meet those goals, Mr. Pollack said.

Chamco will sell vehicles manufactured by Hebei Zhongxing Automobile Co. Ltd., starting with operations in the United States, where tests to meet safety and other regulatory standards are under way.

Sales will begin in the United States this year and in Canada early next year, he said, disputing the notion that the cars might have trouble meeting rigid North American safety standards.

“They’re in 52 different countries,” Mr. Pollack said in an interview at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit where he was flanked by the pickup truck and sport-utility vehicle that he said will go on sale in Canada in early 2009.

“They’ve been road-tested in some of the most brutal climates on the planet.”

The company has already begun showing the vehicles to Canadian dealers but the cars can’t be brought into Canada until they meet Canadian standards.

Geely, meanwhile, is showing off its FC compact car and the TX4 model, which looks like a London taxi.

Chinese auto makers have their biggest presence yet at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. There are five Chinese companies showing vehicles here.

But other auto makers are also turning to China to supply North America.

Chrysler has signed a deal with Chery Motors to make a subcompact that also is expected to go on sale in Canada and the United States next year.

“Chery’s going to be a big play for us,” Chrysler president Tom LaSorda told reporters. The auto maker does not offer a subcompact now in Canada and the United States, which has hurt its sales in both countries because higher gas prices have sent Canadians and Americans scrambling to buy smaller cars.

Canadians are much more likely to see a Chinese-built car from Chrysler than they are to see Chinese companies selling their own vehicles in Canada, said industry analyst Dennis DesRosiers, president of DesRosiers Automotive Consultants Inc. of Richmond Hill, Ont.

A more realistic assessment of the Chinese companies’ prospects is that they are five years away from North American sales, Mr. DesRosiers said.

“They don’t have the fit, finish and quality that would pass muster for North America,” he said.

Canadians have reacted cautiously in recent years to new entries in the vehicle market. Japanese auto maker Mitsubishi is the most recent entrant and it has had trouble gaining more than 1 per cent of the Canadian market of about 1.6 million vehicles annually.

South Korea-based Kia Motors has had similar difficulties, although it outsells Mitsubishi.

Both companies have been hampered in part by the experience of Hyundai in Canada in the 1980s, which enjoyed a raging success in its first years here with the cheap Pony.

But the quality of the vehicles was spotty and Hyundai still struggles to some degree to overcome the perception that its cars aren’t as reliable as other long-established names in the market.

But Richard Cooper, executive director of the Canadian operations of consulting firm J. D. Power and Associates, said the Chinese auto makers should be taken seriously.

“There’ll be a healthy skepticism on the part of consumers at first, but I think [the companies] will work hard to change those perceptions,” Mr. Cooper said.

The car makers

Two years ago, a lone Geely Automobile Co. sedan marked the first time a Chinese auto maker had a display at the North American International Auto Show. This year, four Chinese auto makers and an importer have displays, and interest is increasing in cracking the lucrative U.S. market.

Consumer Concerns

In 2007, toys made with lead paint and tainted toothpaste fuelled distrust about the “Made in China” label. Companies that sell China-made cars in the U.S. will need to make sure their vehicles are well-built, and they must ease potential consumer worries.

The Outlook

Chinese companies and those working with them recognize the importance of getting it right when selling to U.S. drivers. Japanese and South Korean companies faced similar quality concerns in their early days in the U.S.


Cheap and unattractive

Like a nation of high school head bangers, Canada appears to have an affinity for cheap cars with questionable looks. Over the years, some affordable compact cars have been bestsellers, as drivers went crazy for boxy, two-door, wood-panelled rides, while others models are perhaps best forgotten.


The Yugoslavian brand was sold in the U.S. from 1985 to 1991, with a price tag beginning at $3,990. But, like other things that come cheap, the Yugo had something of a reputation problem. In the late 1980s, a Yugo driven by a young woman was blown off a Michigan bridge. In 2007, it was declared the second-ugliest car of all time, behind the Pacer, in a survey of car collectors. One collector described it as “a car that fell apart while you drove.”


A whole company built on the idea of affordable cars, Hyundai has created a surprise empire on the low-budget end of the automobile industry, along with its sister brand, Kia.


Was it really a good idea to buy a car from a company that started off making bicycles? With models known as the “poor man’s Porsche,” this Czech brand was bought by Volkswagen in 1991 and underwent something of a transformation. But this ugly duckling of the automobile industry had a hard time shaking its past: One marketing campaign featured the tag line, “It is a Skoda, honest.”


The best-selling small car in the U.S. in 1979 and 1980 is perhaps known for its Woody model, which featured simulated wood panelling. In 1986, GM announced it was dropping the price of the Chevette to $4,995 (U.S.), but soon ceased production. The car is now relegated to the wistful fantasies of aging band geeks.


A Toyota brand launched in 1999 and known as Vitz in Japan, the Yaris built its popularity in Canada through a kitschy marketing campaign likening the car to a bizarre Eastern European man. The automotive equivalent of Borat is a popular choice with young car buyers.

Siri Agrell


Most Chinese automakers not ready for North America

Jan 14, 2008 02:14 PM
Tony Van Alphen
Business Reporter

DETROIT—More Chinese automakers are popping up at the North American International Auto Show but some of them agree it will take years before they can gain any presence in the market here.

Refuting earlier reports, Frank Xu, sales director for Geely International Corp., said Monday that the Chinese manufacturer has no plans to start selling autos here and in Canada next year.

“It’s too early for us,” Xu said in an interview. “It would be in three years at the earliest.”

Kingkaid Hu, a sales assistant at Byd Auto Co., said at his company’s display area that realistically it would be three to five years before his company would enter the North American market.

Analysts say most Chinese auto makers still need more time to reach quality, safety and styling demands of consumers here. Furthermore, analysts say the Chinese companies need to set up extensive dealer networks and expand their product lines.

One analyst said many Chinese automakers will also need to form partnerships with other industry players before they can make inroads.

However Li Jianxin, chairman of Changfeng Group, told reporters his company will enter the North American market next year with at least a few models despite no signs that a dealer network in forming.


DETROIT AUTO SHOW: Chinese car firms hit brakes

Car companies reveal their high-powered vision for an energy-efficient future

Jan 15, 2008 04:30 AM
Tony Van Alphen
Business Reporter

DETROIT–More Chinese automakers are popping up here to show off their models, but some are tempering their enthusiasm and saying market realities mean it will take three or more years before they can start selling on this continent.

“It will be 2011 at the earliest before we sell in North America,” Frank Xu, sales director for Geely International Corp., said yesterday as his Shanghai-based company unveiled more cars at the North American International Auto Show.

“Right now, it’s too early. We’re being careful. We want to be prepared so the quality of our products is good enough.”

Earlier reports indicated Geely models would be on sale in Canada sometime next year. The company was the first Chinese automaker to appear at the show, with a single car in a modest exhibit off the main floor in 2006.

Kingkaid Hu, a sales assistant for the export trade department of Shenzhen-based Byd Auto Co. Ltd., also dampened any expectations of a quick entry into North America, including Canada.

“It will be three to five years,” he said at his company’s display at the show. “Maybe more.”

However, two other companies still think they will jump into the market next year.

State-owned Changfeng Group said last year it would enter the U.S. and Canadian markets in 2009 and is sticking to that time line. “We have confidence,” Changfeng chair Li Jianxian told reporters.

The company has developed a partnership with Japanese-based automaker Mitsubishi for technological expertise and other assistance. However, Jianxian offered no details on progress in establishing dealer networks in any regions.

Changfeng, whose symbol is a leaping tiger, unveiled the Liebao CS7 sport utility vehicle and Kylin multi-purpose model at the show.

(Changfeng Motor Company’s Liebro CS7 during it’s unveiling this week at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit MI. )

Chamco (China America Co-operative Automotive Inc.) has also disclosed plans to enter North America next year.

It wants to import cars from Zhongxing Automobile and says its models are already getting certification in Mexico.

Industry watchers say although several Chinese companies are showing progress, it won’t be easy to start retailing and make a dent in the U.S. and Canada, where competition is intense and consumers are demanding.

Chris Travell, vice-president at Maritz Automotive Research, said some of the Chinese companies are overly optimistic about the necessary work to set up a proper dealer infrastructure and receive various regulatory approvals from the federal government.

“You have to buy land, buildings; hire, train sales and service staff and that takes some time to do properly,” Travell noted. “It seems some of them are being a bit aggressive in how quickly they can accomplish those things.”

Chery Automobile reached a deal with Chrysler in 2006 to build small cars in China for the North American market. However Chrysler has not said when those cars will arrive here.

At the show, other Chinese companies with exhibits include Li Shi Guang Ming Automobile Design Co. and Li Shi Guang Ming Automobile Design Co., two custom car makers. The Chinese companies will display about 20 models, including a tiny egg shell-shaped car called Strip of Cloud for use at resorts.


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