
加通社/安省进步保守党党魁胡达克(Tim Hudak)建议,省府把公营博彩业务私营化,以更有效分配社会资源,令纳税人获取最大回报。



他质疑省府一方面经营安省博彩公司(Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation)推动博彩业发展,另一方却以安省酒精及博彩委员会(Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario)对行业进行监管,两者利益存在明显冲突。他认为,经营博彩业务绝不是省府官僚的专长,省府应该集中监管工作,建议应为公营博彩业务作公开招标,相信私人企业能更有效运用资源,增加省府收入,但他没有说明私营化可为省府增加多少盈利。


安省博彩公司发言人比顿迪(Tony Bitonti)表示,公司正寻找合适的私人营运商,作为公司现代化计划一部分,期望能令业务转趋多元。届时,该私营部门亦会依据省府决定,负责投资及兴建新赌场。预计博彩业务私营化需要修订《刑事法》(Criminal Code)条文。

财政厅厅长邓肯(Dwight Duncan)则回应指,省府已逐步私营化安省博彩公司,并正考虑私有化安省酒类管制局(Liquor Control Board of Ontario),因此对于胡达克的批评感到困惑。


(多伦多3日加新社电)安省保守党领袖赫达克(Tim Hudak)周一说,现在就是时候,省府退出博彩业。他又暗示,他希望售酒业私有化。



赫达克说,安省彩票及博彩公司(Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp.)每年给省府上贡大概20亿元,它不能一身兼二职,既是博彩公司东主,推广赌业,又是监管机构酒精及赌博委员会(Alcohol and Gaming Commission)。





安省彩票及博彩公司说,它已开始物色私营机构,作为现代化计划的一环,增加赌场、博彩机及彩票的收入。安省财政厅长邓肯(Dwight Duncan)说,自由党政府已为安省彩票及博彩公司进行私有化。

End the LCBO Monopoly: Hudak

Dear friend,

Today, I’m making an announcement on how it’s time to challenge why the government needs to run businesses that distract its focus from core services we all value, like health care, education and infrastructure.

The LCBO is a prime example of Queen’s Park operating a commercial enterprise – from top to bottom – that should be exposed to private sector competition, enabling more consumer choice.

The LCBO system was created in 1927. That’s the year Charles Lindberg crossed the Atlantic. And the basic idea hasn’t changed since: government doesn’t trust Ontarians to make their own responsible choices.

And today, staring at a projected $30 billion deficit, this government wants to spend another $100 million for new LCBO outlets. It’s time for some tough choices on getting out of businesses Queen’s Park has no business being in.

Whatever direction you leave Ontario consumers have more choices in where they can buy alcohol, from corner stores to grocery stores to private outlets. Let’s join our neighbours in treating people like adults.

The province should consider all options for increasing choice and competition, ranging from the sale, partial sale or greater private franchising of non-core assets like the LCBO. The province should also end the Beer Store monopoly and allow sales in corner or grocery stores.

Options like these that work successfully in other places could help Ontario raise significant funds to pay down debt, enabling investments in critical infrastructure that could kick-start our economy and encourage private sector job creation.

On Thursday, my team and I will release our sixth policy paper called A New Deal for the Public Sector. The paper will lay out a series of reforms to focus government on the core services that matter most to taxpayers, to deliver more value for less money.

To read the Ontario PCs’ Paths to Prosperity discussion papers, visit: www.ontariopc.com


Tim Hudak,
Leader, Ontario PC Party