20040108/网友来函:关于“多伦多发布严寒警报 室温过低可投诉房东”

2004年1月8日22:22:59(京港台时间) 【星星生活-星网讯】 (星星生活记者捷克佳报导)网友Michael来函,对“多伦多发布严寒警报 室温过低可投诉房东”一文提出异议,指出原文中仅是举例,并不是法律,对读者有误导之嫌。并给出《多伦多市政法规》(TORONTO MUNICIPAL CODE)的原始出处,以及城市附例(bylaw)相关内容联结。星星生活欢迎读者批评指正,并对此表示感谢。



For example, the bylaw might say that between September 15 and May 15, the heat must be kept at a minimum of 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit).

这只是一个举例说明,并不是法律已经这样规定. 注意原文中用了”For example”,”might say”的字眼.

http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/municode/1184_497.pdf TORONTO MUNICIPAL CODE§ 497-2 HEATING§ 497-2. Minimum temperature.A landlord shall provide heat to a dwelling unit that is rented or leased and that is normally heated at the landlord’s expense so that a minimum air temperature of 21 degrees Celsius is maintained in all areas of the dwelling unit from the 15th day ofSeptember in each year to the 1st day of June in the following year.

Q:What bylaw legally requires my landlord to turn on the heat or the air conditioning (if equipped)?

A:Legally, the period for heat to be turned on is September 15th through to June 1st. It is enforced by date not temperature. Rental housing temperature must be at least 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit). You can find the bylaw on our Web site. If the building is equipped with air conditioning, Article IV of Chapter 629-38 of the Municipal Code states: “air conditioning systems shall be operated from June 2 – September 14 so as to maintain an indoor temperature of not more than 26 degrees Celcius”



星星生活:多伦多发布严寒警报 室温过低可投诉房东

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