20110420/加富豪不含金汤匙 9成靠自己

世界日报编译组渥太华19日电/美国白手起家富翁的神话也同样在上演。受满地可银行哈里斯个人金融部(BMO Harris Private Banking)委托进行的调查表明,众多身家上千万的加拿大富翁不像外人认为的是含着金汤匙出世的,而是自己一手创造了财富。

由民调机构哈理斯.德西玛(Harris Decima)进行的调查显示,在拥有至少100万元可用于投资资产的富翁中,94%为白手起家者,仅6%的人说他们的大多数资产是继承来的。




Canada’s millionaires are mostly self-made: survey

CTV.ca News Staff

Date: Tue. Apr. 19 2011 10:31 AM ET

A vast majority of wealthy Canadians generated their fortunes on their own, as opposed to inheriting their money from their parents.

That’s the conclusion of an online survey by BMO Harris Private Banking that was released Tuesday, after gathering data from 459 Canadians with at least $1 million in investable assets.

Ninety-four per cent of the wealthy Canadians surveyed were either self-made professionals or business owners.

The remaining six per cent got the majority of their money through inheritance.

Andrew Auerbach, the senior vice-president and head of BMO Harris Private Banking, said the findings are indicative of the “strong entrepreneurial environment” that exists in Canada.

“They reveal a culture of drive and determination among Canadians and recognize that we live in a country where self-made success is encouraged and rewarded,” Auerbach said in a statement.

Eighty per cent of this same group of Canadians indicated they are richer than their parents, though only 58 per cent believe their kids will be able to manage their future inheritance.

Seventy-seven per cent of those surveyed said their financial situation was no worse off as a result of the recession.

The wealthy survey participants are also a generous lot: Seventy-six per cent said they believe it is important to give back to their communities and 59 per cent said the recession had no impact on their charitable giving.