20110419/柳乾父接受越洋访问 坚信女儿被杀害

-柳乾父接受越洋访问 坚信女儿被杀害
-York U. student in webcam attack ID’d
-Police identify victim in ‘suspicious death’ near York U
-Webcam murder victim identified
-Police investigating if York student’s death result of lethal injection

柳乾父接受越洋访问 坚信女儿被杀害



虽然许多媒体已经以猜测的方式披露了死者的姓名甚至照片,但多伦多警方直至昨日才证实,死者名为柳乾(Qian Liu),现年23岁,来自中国首都北京。她突然去世之前,正在约克大学语言学院修读英文。









据警方昨日在新闻会上透露,那位男友人与柳乾刚开始聊天不久,就有人敲门,柳乾应门后,一名年约20岁至30岁、身型魁悟的白人男子走入,问柳乾要手机随即与柳乾发生打斗,那男子更将柳乾用作视频聊天的手提电脑关掉。事后这部IBM Think Pad T400手提电脑踪影全无,警方怀疑被那名白人男子偷走。








警方昨日虽然没有什么大的进展公布,但却在出事的芬治路夹Sentinel Rd.地区的Aldwinckle Heights 27号附近,又有新的行动。警方在距离该地点两个街区外的Haynes Av. 46号民宅采取搜查行动,从里面取出多个纸袋的证物。有现场的警员暗示,在此处的搜查行动与女学生死亡案有关。





世界日报/多伦多警方18日发出新闻通告,证实约克大学女尸命案的死者,是来自中国北京的23岁留学生柳乾(译音,Qian Liu)。这一消息与早前网路上流传的死者姓名“柳乾”完全相同。



上周五多伦多警方接到报警,随后在约克大学附近一独立屋土库发现女性尸体,具体位置是Keele St. 和Finch Ave.的Aldwinckle Heights 27号。目前,多伦多警方仍仅将该宗命案列为一宗非自然死亡案(Suspicious Death)处理。

目前,由于检查人员没有在尸体上发现足以致死的外伤,所以警方仍不能确认其死因。接下来,警方将等待中毒报告(toxicology reports)以及法医的验尸报告,看是否有其他原因导致其死亡。




市民若有此案任何线索,请立即与警方联络。警方直线电话416-808-7399或匿名灭罪热线416-222-TIPS (8477)。


星岛日报/多伦多警方昨天证实上周五被发现下身赤裸,伏尸约克大学校区附近公寓地库的女学生,是来自北京的柳乾(音译:Qian Liu),警方鉴证科人员昨天仍在案发现场搜集证据,探员则掩至现场附近一个镇屋单位内,检走一些物品带返警署作进一步调查。

警方昨日已准许居于Aldwinckle Heights案发现场二楼的住客返回家,惟案发现场仍然封锁。有居住于现场二楼的住客在下午离开时三缄其口,只向记者表示是应警方要求不接受访问及不发言。

警方昨日早上8时许,在距离现场不到500公尺的Haynes Ave. 街角另一间住宅进行搜查,并带走一些文件。居住在该分租住宅的一名约克大学学生表示,不清楚屋内分租予多少学生,彼此也不认识。他说,附近住宅结构基本上大同小异,楼上三间房,有一些小单位只有两个房间;地库也有板间房。

警方至今仍未公布死者致死原因,只透露死者被发现时腰间以下没穿衣服,初步验尸结果显示她无被性侵犯,身上亦无明显伤痕,死因仍有待进一步毒理及病理化验。由于死者死前正与身处中国的男友透露视像通话,男友人与女事主倾谈至案发当日凌晨1时许,有人敲事主房间房门,事主让一名白人男子入房,表示要借用女事主的电话,未几两人即发生纠缠,通讯在这时中断,事主的男友表示不认识该名白人男子,事主的一部IBM Thinkpad T400型手提电脑于案发后不翼而飞,警方希望能寻回该部电脑,或能从中找出有助破案的线索。



警方目前仍将案列作“可疑死亡案”处理,知情者可致电多伦多警队凶杀组高级探长史谷比(Frank Skubic),电话416-808-7399,或致电灭罪热线416-222-TIPS(8477),通过灭罪热线网站www.222tips.com提供线索。亦可拨打电话CRIMES(274637)短信留言。


加拿大北京协会副会长陈献昨天对来自北京的女青年学生死亡悲剧表示悲伤,他表示北京协会对死者并不熟悉, 协会近日透过新闻报道及网络关注事件发展,不管死者是否来自北京,大家都是同胞,北京协会准备好伸出援助之手。





星岛日报/离奇倒毙于大学校园附近镇屋单位的女死者柳乾,生前就读的约克大学英语语言学院(York University English Language Institute),据约大网页的资料显示,英语语言学院提供“约克直通车”(Destination York)项目,该项目由两个截然不同部分组成:为期8周的约克大学英语语言学院学术英语课程和约克大学四年制本科学位课程。






加国无忧 作者:谈海/4月18日,多伦多警方正式公开了非正常死亡的中国女留学生身份,她是23岁的柳乾(Qian Liu),来自北京。警方仍然在继续寻找柳乾去世前进入其房间的白人男子,并呼吁更多知情者与警方联系。








20110418/约克大学校长:关于约大学生Qian Liu的不幸去世



York U. student in webcam attack ID’d

CBC News Posted: Apr 18, 2011 1:28 PM ET Last Updated: Apr 18, 2011 9:56 PM ET

Toronto police have identified the young woman they believe died in her basement apartment near York University after struggling with someone who knocked at her door.

Police found the body of a 23-year-old Chinese national, who was studying at York, at about 11 a.m. Friday after an official from the Chinese Consulate called to express concern.

Police identified the student on Monday as Qian Liu, 23, from Beijing.

Qian Liu, 23, was found dead in her basement apartment near York University on Friday. Police said Sunday that the young woman was having an online video chat at about 1 a.m. on Friday with a man overseas who has since spoken with police.

Her mother had called the Chinese Consulate to say something had happened to her daughter and to ask officials to check on her at her basement apartment located just south of the York campus.

Police say the student was found unclothed from the waist down, but there were no obvious signs she was sexually assaulted. The cause of death hasn’t been determined yet.

Speaking on CBC News Network on Monday afternoon, Toronto police spokesman Const. Tony Vella said the case remains a suspicious death investigation.

“Her body was taken to the coroner’s office for a post-mortem investigation and they still need to do further tests … and at that point we’ll have a better understanding once we get the results back if it’s a homicide or not, but still classified as a suspicious death,” he said.

Vella said Qian was chatting with a man online, who witnessed some of the attack and was able to give police a description of the attacker.

“[The online witness] was chatting with her on Friday around 1 a.m. and he heard someone knocking on her door and at that point the lady got up and answered the door,” said Vella.

“He could hear the man asking to use her cellphone. At which time he also then noticed that there was a struggle between her and the man and then someone turned off the victim’s laptop,” said Vella.

When asked why 10 hours passed between when the attack was witnessed and the arrival of police, Vella said police were not notified until Friday morning.

“Someone had gone to [her] address because they were concerned for her well-being and they went into the apartment and they found her there and they were concerned so they contacted police,” said Vella. “We responded on the Friday at 11 a.m. and that’s when we were first made aware of the situation,” he said.

“[The online witness] is not from Toronto, he is from China and there was a conversation between [the victim] and this man, but he did not notify police, it was someone else and, that’s another factor that we’re looking at.”

Zhuo Yue said he and Qian used to go clubbing together. He said the person Qian was chatting with online at the time she was attacked was her boyfriend, though police would not confirm this. Zhuo said he didn’t know she was in trouble until he got an email from her boyfriend in Beijing on Friday morning.

“At 8 a.m. I left home for school,” he told CBC News through an interpreter. “I didn’t see the message sent by her boyfriend until 8:30 a.m. on the bus. I called my brother right away to check on her. She didn’t answer the door. I called the landlord to open the door.”

Vella also said it appears this was not a random attack.

“It looks targeted, but we’ll still look into all possibilities at this point and it’s important to keep an open mind in this case,” he said.

Although some of the struggle occurred out of view of the computer’s camera, a description of the assailant was provided from what the witness could see:

-A white male aged between 20 and 30 years old.

-About six feet tall and between 175 and 200 pounds with a muscular build, and medium-length brown hair, messy at the front and well-groomed at back.

-He was wearing a blue crew-neck T-shirt.

Police are still looking for the victim’s computer, which was taken from the scene. It is an IBM Thinkpad, model T400.

York issues statement

York University released a statement on Monday afternoon, calling the woman’s death a “terrible tragedy.”

“Our entire community mourns the loss of a promising young student,” the statement from York president Mamdouh Shoukri. “Our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy go out to her family, friends and classmates.”

“The tragic passing of a member of the York community affects us all. I would ask students, faculty and staff to reach out to one another at this very difficult time.”


Police identify victim in ‘suspicious death’ near York U


Date: Monday Apr. 18, 2011 7:30 PM ET

The identity of a woman who died under suspicious circumstances was made public Monday as Toronto police continued to search for a man seen via webcam in the woman’s basement apartment.

Qian Liu, 23, from Beijing, China, was found dead on Friday inside a basement apartment at 27 Aldwinckle Hts., near Keele Street and Finch Avenue, near York University.

Homicide detectives say the woman was having an online web-cam conversation with a friend overseas when someone knocked at her apartment door at approximately 1 a.m. on Friday.

Police are calling the friend an “online witness” to a concerning series of events. He reportedly saw the woman open her door to a man who then asked to borrow her phone, before physically assaulting her. The man then turned off the woman’s laptop computer.

Investigators are currently searching for the missing laptop, an IBM ThinkPad T400.

Police say the woman was discovered late Friday morning unclothed from the waist down.

“It was obvious that she had been dead for some period of time,” Det.-Sgt. Frank Skubic said on Sunday.

However, Skubic said there were no obvious signs of sexual assault or trauma and further studies including a toxicology report are needed before police can determine the cause of the woman’s death.

Skubic said the woman’s family is currently making plans to come to Canada.

Mamdouh Shoukri, president and vice-chancellor of York University, expressed his condolences on Monday, describing Liu as an impressive member of the school.

“Qian’s death is a terrible tragedy and our entire community mourns the loss of a promising young student. Our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy go out of her family, friends and classmates,” a statement reads.

One of Liu’s roommates said she had been chatting with her boyfriend in China before the incident. Friends believe the man that entered her room is someone who has been pursuing her romantically.

Other tenants of Liu’s house had little to say about her murder on Monday.

“It’s like different people living in the house, so we don’t really know each other personally,” said one tenant.

Other students living in the area are also trying to cope with Liu’s death.

“I think it’s really scary because I’m a girl and I live right in the general area where somebody was possibly killed,” said one neighbour.

Another resident told reporters, “I’m telling my colleagues that they have to make sure they lock the door and shouldn’t open any doors to any strangers.”

Police continue to search for the man seen in the apartment, calling him a “person of interest.”

Police describe the man as:

20-30 years old
6 ft. tall
175-200 lbs
Muscular build
Medium-length brown hair that was messy at the front and well groomed in the back.
Last seen wearing a blue crewneck T-shirt
Police are asking other residents in the multi-unit building to help them in their investigation.

If anyone has any information they are asked to call Det. Seg. Frank Skubic at 416−808−7399, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416−222−TIPS (8477), online at www.222tips.com, text TOR and your message to CRIMES (274637), or Leave a tip onFacebook.

With files from CTV’s Tamara Cherry


Webcam murder victim identified


First posted: Monday, April 18, 2011 9:24:58 EDT PM

TORONTO – A York University student whose last moments of life were witnessed by her friend back home in China via an online video chat has now been identified.

Qian “Necole” Liu, 23, of Beijing, came to Canada on a student visa last September, Toronto Police say.

And now, seven months later, her family is coming here to bring her body back home.

Homicide detectives are handling the case, which may be the city’s first murder ever witnessed through the Internet.

But for now they are only calling the death “suspicious.”

Investigators are waiting for an autopsy to determine the cause of death before.

Liu was found partially naked around 11 a.m. Friday in her basement apartment at 27 Aldwinckle Hts., northwest of Keele St. and Finch Ave. W., a house just off-campus where she lived along with 10 other students.

She may have died up to 10 hours earlier.

Police say Liu was talking via a web cam to a friend when there was a knock on her door around 1 a.m.

The friend apparently watched as Liu answered the door and allowed a man inside to use her cellphone.

There was a “struggle” and the man shut down Liu’s laptop. But not before the friend got a look at him from more than 18,000 km away.

“It’s definitely the first time I’ve seen this,” Det.-Sgt. Frank Skubic said.

The long-distance witness has described the suspect as white, between 20 to 30 years old, 6 feet tall, between 175 to 200 pounds, with a muscular build and medium- length brown hair, messy at the front and well groomed at the back.

He wore a blue, crew-neck T-shirt.

Police located Liu’s cellphone but now they want to find her computer, an IBM ThinkPad T400, believed to have been taken by the suspect.

It’s unclear what, if anything, police may be able to retrieve from the computer if it is found.

York University says Liu was a student at the school’s English Language Institute.

“Qian’s death is a terrible tragedy and our entire community mourns the loss of a promising young student,” the university’s President and Vice-Chancellor, Mamdouh Shoukri, said.

“Our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy go out to her family, friends and classmates.”

Anyone with information is urged to call Skubic at 4168087399, or anonymously to Crime Stoppers at 416222TIPS (8477).

Police investigating if York student’s death result of lethal injection

Timothy Appleby and Kate Hammer
Globe and Mail Update
Published Monday, Apr. 18, 2011 1:52PM EDT
Last updated Monday, Apr. 18, 2011 6:06PM EDT

Toronto homicide detectives have released the name of a 23-year-old York University student from China whose death may have been glimpsed in her homeland via a Web camera.

But police remain unsure whether the suspicious death of Qian Liu from Beijing is in fact a murder. Toxicology tests currently under way are expected to shed further light.

Ms. Liu was found dead late Friday morning inside her basement apartment in a townhouse on Aldwinckle Heights, near Sentinel Road and Finch Avenue West. She was naked from the waist down and had been dead for several hours, but there were no obvious signs of trauma or sexual assault.

One possibility under scrutiny is that she had been administered a lethal injection.

Police on Monday were also making inquiries at an address on nearby Haynes Avenue.

About 10 hours before her body was found, Ms. Liu had been communicating with a male friend in China via her laptop when, still in view, she got up to answer a knock at her door. The visitor asked to use her cellphone, a struggle ensued and shortly after the intruder turned off the laptop, an IBM ThinkPad T400 that is now missing and thought to have been taken by the man when he left.

“The online witness became concerned and he contacted several people known to the deceased here in Canada, and appealed to them to go and track down her welfare,” Detective Sergeant Frank Skubic said. “It was as a result of somebody responding to that plea by the online witness that she was discovered.”

The witness described the man as white, between the ages of 20 and 30, around six feet tall and 175 to 200 pounds. He has a muscular build and medium-length brown hair, which was messy at the front and well-groomed at the back. He wore a blue crew neck T-shirt.

Police have identified the man, consider him a person of interest and are asking him to come forward to speak with them.

Ms. Liu was visiting Canada on a student-exchange visa and was enrolled at York U in a non-credited English ESL program.

An autopsy on Ms. Liu began Saturday but further studies, including toxicology tests, which can sometimes take several days, were deemed necessary.

For now, her death is viewed as “suspicious” but not necessarily a homicide.

Her parents were travelling from China to Toronto, police said.