
加拿大华人新民主党谘询委员会来稿/继前联邦新民主党党领林顿领导的联邦新民主党在加拿大国会取得正式反对党地位之后不久,联邦新民主党于2012年3月24日选出新党魁Tom Mulcair。新党魁Tom Mulcair不仅获得党内的大力支持而且赢得绝大多数族裔及社团的欢迎和支持。为表示祝贺Tom Mulcair当选新民主党党魁,期待今后的进一步的相互支持与合作,加拿大华人新民主党谘询委员会今日正式宣布新民主党党魁Tom Mulcair中文名字:唐民凯。


The Chinese name of the NDP leader Tom Mulcair
May 22, 2012

By the Chinese NDP Advisory Committee

The New Democratic Party of Canada elected Tom Mulcair as a new leader on March 24 2012. The Chinese NDP Advisory Committee welcomes Tom Mulcair as a new leader of the NDP; and has announced the Chinese name of the NDP leader Tom Mulcair as 唐民凯.

“唐” (Tom) is a Chinese family name. It sounds TANG in Mandarin and TONG in Cantonese.
“民凯” (Mulcair) is a Chinese given name, which means a victory for the people.