20110719/省府增拨款警队 遏偷运人蛇


得到额外资源的警队包括尼亚加拉、皮尔、温莎、咸美顿、约克及荷顿等地区。此外,省警也将得到增资,与Anishinabek、Nishnawbe-Aski和Treaty Three Police Services合作,截击人口贩卖的活动。




安省警察总长协会主席Matthew A. Torigian(左图)说:“省府今日的宣布是一口强心针,帮助警察执行针对人口贩卖活动的法律,同时给予受害人所需援助。省府资助打击这种令人鄙视的犯罪行为,无疑也是在帮助警察保护无辜的受害人。”

尼亚加拉地区省议员Kim Craitor说:“今日给予尼亚加拉地区警队的支助,以打击偷运人蛇的活动,一再显示我们政府8年来重击罪案绝不手软的纪录。”

Province and police combat human trafficking


得到额外资源的警队,包括尼亚拉瓜、皮尔、温莎、咸美顿、约克及何顿等地区。此外,省警也将得到增资,与Anishinabek、Nishnawbe-Aski 和Treaty Three Police Services合作,截击人口贩卖的活动。









安省警察总长协会主席Matthew A. Torigian说:“省府今日的宣布是一口强心针,帮助警察执行针对人口贩卖活动的法律,同时给予受害人所需援助。省府资助打击这种令人鄙视的犯罪行为,无疑也是在帮助警察保护无辜的受害人。”

尼亚加拉地区省议员Kim Craitor说:“今日给予尼亚加拉地区警察的 支助,以打击偷运人蛇的活动,一再显示我们政府八年来重击罪案绝不手软的记录。”

Province and Police Combat Human Trafficking

July 18, 2011

McGuinty Government Supports Fight Against Exploitation And Forced Labour

Ontario is investing in projects to rescue victims of human trafficking, and to improve police capacity to investigate and charge criminals involved in human trafficking.

Seven police initiatives aimed at preventing human trafficking across the province will receive additional support for:

Special investigations targeting the sex trade
Education campaigns for potential victims and witnesses
Increased surveillance
Dedicated human trafficking investigators
Officer training
This investment is in addition to support provided earlier this year for emergency services and community agencies to better assist victims, and for new Crown specialists to help build stronger cases and prosecute offenders.

Ontario is committed to preventing victimization, protecting vulnerable people, enforcing human trafficking laws, prosecuting offenders and ensuring victims have the supports they need.


“Human trafficking is one of the most outrageous and appalling crimes that we face in Ontario, in Canada and around the world. The McGuinty government is committed to doing everything we can to lock up offenders, and to rescue, protect and support victims.”

– Jim Bradley
Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services

“Today’s announcement is a positive step in helping Ontario police services to enforce human trafficking laws and help victims. By supporting a coordinated approach to fighting against this despicable criminal behaviour, the Ontario government is helping police protect innocent human beings.”

– Matthew A. Torigian
President of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police


Human trafficking is a crime that makes victims through forced labour or prostitution.
The police forces receiving funding serve Niagara, Peel, Windsor, Hamilton, York and Halton. The province is also providing funding to the Ontario Provincial Police in partnership with Anishinabek, Nishnawbe-Aski and Treaty Three Police Services.
Projects are supported with funds from the Proceeds of Crime which are collected through criminal prosecutions.

Learn more about human trafficking, a local and international crime.

Joe Kim
Minister’s Office

Brent Ross