
Visitor Visa Exemptions

Many people do not require a visa to visit Canada. These include:

citizens of Andorra安道尔, Antigua and Barbuda安提瓜和巴布达, Australia澳大利亚, Austria奥地利, Bahamas巴哈马群岛, Barbados巴巴多斯, Belgium比利时, Botswana博茨瓦那, Brunei文莱, Croatia克罗地亚, Cyprus塞浦路斯, Denmark丹麦, Estonia 爱沙尼亚, Finland芬兰, France法国, Germany德国, Greece希腊, Hungary匈牙利, Iceland冰岛, Ireland爱尔兰, Israel (National Passport holders only)以色列(仅限国民护照持有人), Italy意大利, Japan日本, Korea (Republic of)大韩民国, Latvia (Republic of)拉脱维亚, Lithuania立陶宛, Liechtenstein列支敦士登, Luxembourg卢森堡, Malta马尔他, Monaco摩纳哥, Namibia纳米比亚, Netherlands荷兰, New Zealand新西兰, Norway挪威, Papua New Guinea巴布亚新几内亚, Poland波兰, Portugal葡萄牙, St. Kitts and Nevis圣基茨和尼维斯, St. Lucia圣露西亚, St. Vincent圣文森特, San Marino圣马力诺, Singapore新加坡, Slovakia斯洛伐克, Solomon Islands所罗门群岛, Spain西班牙, Swaziland斯威士兰, Sweden瑞典, Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚, Switzerland瑞士, United States美国, and Western Samoa西萨摩亚;

persons lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence who are in possession of their alien registration card (Green card) or can provide other evidence of permanent residence;

British citizens and British Overseas Citizens who are re-admissible to the United Kingdom;

citizens of British dependent territories who derive their citizenship through birth, descent, registration or naturalization in one of the British dependent territories of Anguilla安圭拉岛, Bermuda百慕大群岛, British Virgin Islands英属维尔金群岛, Cayman Islands开曼群岛, Falkland Islands福克兰群岛, Gibraltar直布罗陀, Montserrat蒙特萨拉特岛, Pitcairn皮特凯恩群岛, St. Helena圣赫勒那岛 or the Turks and Caicos Islands特克斯和凯科斯群岛;

persons holding a British National (Overseas) Passport issued by the Government of the United Kingdom to persons born, naturalized or registered in Hong Kong;

persons holding a valid and subsisting Special Administrative Region passport issued by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China;

persons holding passports or travel documents issued by the Holy See;

persons holding an ordinary passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan that includes their personal identification number.
