20130103/有良好习惯悭钱又环保 冬季节省能源有法

星岛日报/冬季是消耗能源的高峰期,安省政府希望大家能够节省能源,既悭钱又环保。能源厅长本达利(Chris Bentley)指出,家庭在冬天要支付大笔的能源费用。每一个人的举手之劳,就可以令家庭节省不少电力,降低电费和能源开支。安省有多项鼓励节能的措施和优惠计划。即使是日常的一些良好习惯,也能够提高家居的能源效率。



多检查暖炉 改节能灯泡 












News Release: How to Save Energy This Winter

January 2, 2013

McGuinty Government Offering Tips to Cut Energy Use and Costs

Conservation is a simple way Ontario families can manage their energy use and costs while helping protect the environment, especially during winter.

Ontario has introduced a wide range of energy conservation resources and incentives to help families make small changes that can provide big savings. As the temperature outside drops and energy consumption climbs, these simple tips can help improve a home’s energy efficiency while managing energy use:

-Install a programmable thermostat: When properly set, a programmable thermostat can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 10 per cent. Set your thermostat to 20°C when you’re at home and 18°C when sleeping or away.

-Reduce drafts: Installing weatherstripping and caulking around windows, doors and dryer vents and insulated plates on outlets can help save up to 30 per cent a year on heating costs.

-Service your furnace: Have a qualified technician service your furnace on a regular basis to ensure it is working at maximum efficiency. Clean or change the filter regularly – a dirty filter reduces airflow and makes the furnace work harder to circulate the air.

-Go off-peak: Take advantage of lower energy prices during off-peak hours. Off-peak hours are 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. on weeknights and all day on weekends and statutory holidays.

-When not in use, turn off the juice: Devices like computers, TVs, and smart phone chargers continue to consume small amounts of electricity unless they are unplugged. Try plugging these items into a power bar with a switch or timer so you can easily turn them off when they are not needed.

-Lock in the heat: Close heat registers and doors in unused areas of the house and prevent warm air from escaping by closing the fireplace damper.

-Save energy on lighting: Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). CFLs use 75 per cent less electricity than incandescent.

-Cover water pipes: Pipe insulation helps maintain water temperature and allows you to turn the water heater down, which saves energy.

-Let the sunshine in: Keep curtains open during the day to draw in sunlight. Solar energy can help naturally warm your home.

-Reconfigure for warmth: Change the furniture configuration to ensure heat vents, radiators or baseboard heaters are not obstructed by furniture.

Building a clean energy system and a culture of conservation is part of the McGuinty government’s plan to create and support jobs for Ontario families while ensuring we have the electricity we need to power our homes, schools, hospitals and businesses.


-Through conservation, Ontario homeowners, businesses and industry have achieved over 1,900 megawatts of peak demand savings since 2005 – the equivalent of over 600,000 homes being taken off the grid.

-Through its Long-Term Energy Plan, Ontario is committed to increasing wind, solar and bioenergy from less than one per cent of generation capacity in 2003 to almost 13 per cent by 2030, an increase of over 400 per cent.


-Find programs that help you manage home energy use

-Get tips on cutting energy costs

-Learn more about Smart Meters and Time-of-Use Prices


“Small actions can go a long way in helping Ontario families manage electricity use and energy costs. It’s important to remember that the least expensive type of energy is the energy we don’t use.”
— Chris Bentley, Minister of Energy

“There are easy ways you can help save energy at home this winter. A little energy conservation can save you money while benefiting Mother Nature.”
— Jim Bradley, Minister of the Environment