
据多伦多星报讯: 密市发现残肢案, 皮尔区警方于中午举行的记者招待会中发布最新消息。宣布人体残肢证实属于居住士嘉堡Eglinton Ave的41岁华裔女性Guang Hua Liu(音译:刘光华)。Guang Hua Liu为一名单身母亲, 育有三名孩子, 经营位于士嘉堡Eglinton Ave“Now Defunct SPA”。她最后被见到的时间为8月11日, 被人接送上班。

警方目前仍然在寻找疑凶。他们相信于士嘉堡发现的残肢, 与密市所找到的均属于同一人。

Human remains: Police identify victim in body parts case as Scarborough woman

Lesley Ciarula Taylor
Staff Reporter

Body parts found in Mississauga and Scarborough over the past week were the remains of Guang Hua Liu, a single mother of three from Scarborough, Peel police said today.

The 41-year-old woman had owned and operated a “now defunct spa” on Eglinton Ave. in Scarborough.

Liu was last seen on Aug. 10 when she was dropped off at work by friends, police said.

“We have no reason to believe this is anything but an isolated case,” homicide Det.-Insp. George Koekkoek said at a noon news conference in Mississauga.

Police have no suspect, Koekkoek said, describing the case as a “wide-open investigation.”

He expected investigators would wrap up their search in Scarborough on Tuesday afternoon.

More body parts have still to be recovered, he said.

Liu, a Canadian citizen, had one adult and two younger children, Koekkoek said, and lived in a townhouse on Huntingwood Dr. The unit is near creek by the Tam O’Shanter Golf Course, where some of the body parts were found in Scarborough on Saturday.

Neither she nor her spa was known to police, he said.

Her remains had been in the water for five to seven days, he said.

A neighbour on the cul-de-sac of attached two-storey townhouses with garages and gardens said Liu often used the name Heather.

The neighbour, who would only give her first name Jenn, said Liu had a tenant and one son living in the unit with her.

Another neighbour, Lillian Lantz, said Liu had a boarder who lived in the basement and she lived with one son.

Liu also had a boyfriend named Ken who reported her missing to police, Lantz told the Star.

She said Liu was a manicurist at the spa.

On Aug. 14, Toronto police issued a missing person bulletin that said Liu was last seen at 6:30 p.m. the previous Friday.

The bulletin described her as “5-foot-1, 108 lbs., with thin eyebrows that are tattooed, and long, straight auburn/brown hair.”

“Police are concerned for her safety,” the bulletin said.

On Monday, police said they were close to identifying the remains and had contacted some families of missing women in the Toronto and the Peel region.

The woman’s head, foot and two hands were discovered in the Credit River in Mississauga last week.

An arm, two calves and a thigh were found around West Highland Creek on the weekend.

With files from Kaleigh Rogers and Karissa Donkin

Body parts belong to missing Toronto single mom

CBC News

Peel Regional Police say the body parts found in Mississauga and Toronto in recent days belong to a single mother who went missing earlier this month.

Insp. George Koekkoek named the victim as Hua Guang Liu, 41, of Scarborough, during a news conference Tuesday afternoon.

Koekkoek said Liu was last seen alive on Aug. 10 and was reported missing the following day by friends.

Peel Regional Police say they have identified Hua Guang Liu, 41, of Scarborough, as the victim. (Toronto Police Service)

Liu, a Canadian citizen of Chinese descent, was a single mother of three.

Until recently, Liu was employed as “the owner of a now-defunct spa” on Eglinton Avenue in Scarborough, Koekkoek said.

He said police have executed search warrants in their investigation, including at a motel in Scarborough.

“We are working on suspect information,” he said.

Police are treating Liu’s death as a homicide.

“We have no reason to believe that this is anything other than an isolated case and that’s the focus of our investigation thus far,” Koekkoek said.

The spa that Liu operated was known as Forget Me Not.

Helen Savo-Sardaro, the building manager for the complex where the spa was located on Eglinton Avenue, told CBC News that police told her that Liu left the spa at 5:30 p.m. on the day she disappeared.

Investigation launched after foot found

The investigation that led to Liu’s identification began when a human foot was found in the Credit River in Mississauga’s Hewick Meadows Park last Wednesday. Other body parts were found nearby.

Savo-Sardaro said she knew who the victim was when police revealed details about what they had found.

“As soon as I heard it was yellow toenails, I knew it was her,” she said.

On the weekend, Toronto police were alerted to the discovery of body parts on back-to-back days in the West Highland Creek.

While police had previously said there were “obvious similarities” between the finds in both cities, Koekkoek said Tuesday that police had “forensically linked” the recovered remains.

After Liu was reported missing, Toronto police issued a news release with her description on Aug. 14.

She was described as being 5-1″, weighing 108 pounds and having “thin eyebrows that are tattooed and long, straight auburn/brown hair.”

West Highland Creek再寻股骨及腿臂



上周三一群登山客在密市休威克草地公园(Hewick Meadows Park)发现一只涂上鲜色指甲油的右脚掌后,警方派出大量人手,在搜索犬和直升机辅助下进行大规模索,先后在附近寻获一个女性头颅和一对手掌。


多市警方接获通知后,上周六和前日派员到距离公园45公里的West Highland Creek搜索,结果寻获两块股骨、一截大腿和一条手臂。

皮尔区警队警长布兰德伍表示,所有残肢已送往鉴证检验,相信残肢属于同一名女性。昨日再有20多名警员返回祈德河(Credit River) 继续搜索失踪残肢,由于案件恐怖,加上连日攀山涉水搜索消耗体力,警员已现疲态,预料昨日会是最后一日在公园搜索。


女子遭残害肢解 分弃两处
相继发现残肢 警方几近确认死者身分

明报/皮尔区警方昨天证实,前两日在士嘉堡高尔夫球场及West Highland Creek发现的残骸,属于人体残肢,由于士嘉堡发现的人体残骸,与密西沙加市Hewick Meadows公园上周发现的残肢,有很多相同之处,故警方有理由相信,两组残骸属同一名女子所有。不过,法医须要进一步化验,才能提供证据。



士嘉堡发现人体残骸的现场昨天仍然封锁。据悉,法鉴证人员昨天亦前往跟离现场不远的士嘉堡旅馆(Scarborough Inn)调查,并将其中一个39号的房间封锁。据旅舍负责人表示,有人于周六凌晨曾入住该个房间,但逗留1小时后便离开。


皮尔区警方警长布兰德伍德(Peter Brandwood)昨召开记者会时表示,警方根据当地及多伦多失踪人口资料调查,逐步收窄名单,相信很快便能确定死者身分。警方亦已知会了数名失踪人口的亲人,提醒他们要做好心理准备。

警方虽证实日前在士嘉堡中高尔夫球场及West Highland Creek发现的残骸,属于人体残骸,但就没有透露属于人体那一部分。至于该组残肢与密市的残骸有何相同处,布兰德伍德亦没有点明。



士嘉堡残骸 与密市尸块相似



多市警方20日继续在士嘉堡,位于Sheppard Ave.与Kennedy Rd.东北方的West Highland Creek流经地区进行搜索,并带着装备进入河流边岸进行搜索与调查。警方封锁线围出一大片地区,此项调查在21日还将继续进行。


皮尔郡警队探长布兰德伍德(Pete Brandwood)20日表示,警方已经十分接近揭开死者身分之谜的地步。

警方探员指出,两条小腿、一条大腿和手臂,分别于18日、19日在多伦多市东区的West Highland Creek中发现。这些残肢又与45公里外之遥、位于密西沙加市的微克草地公园(Hewick Meadows Park)中发现的人体残骸相似度极高、显有关联。警方于上周在密市微克草地公园找到的是女性头颅、一只脚和两只手。



20多名警员于20日再度返回信用河(Credit River)河边进行搜索,该河流围绕着密西沙加该处发现人体残骸的公园周边,河流的部分区域有水坝或其他建筑可能阻碍残骸流向,因此20日一整日才能完成当地的搜索与调查。