20100731/涂鸦案再拘1少年 联邦移民部长康尼谴责辱华事件



联邦移民部长康尼(Jason Kenney)昨日就为此发表声明,他说“像很多加拿大人一样,我为发生这宗针对华裔族群的破坏行为深表遗憾和震惊。加拿大人绝不能容忍任何形式的种族歧视、偏见和破坏性活动,这些都与自由、民主、人权的基本价值观相悖,是违法的行为。”


列治文皇家骑警的巡逻警员昨日下午3时左右,在加拿大线(Canada Line)的Brighouse站发现16岁的疑犯,随即将其拘捕并确认他就是被追缉,电视录影中的另外一名涉案男子。他被控以行为不检(Mischief)的罪名,将于将于8月25日首度过堂。



STATEMENT Minister Kenney issues statement condemning racist graffiti in Richmond

Ottawa, July 30, 2010 – The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, issued the following statement regarding the racist graffiti left in a Richmond, B.C., shopping mall parkade on July 21:

“Like many Canadians, I was saddened and appalled to learn about this act of vandalismtargeting members of Canada’s Chinese community”, Minister Kenney said.

“In Canadian society, individuals are free, within the confines of our law and consistent with our traditions of democracy and freedom of expression, to speak their mind,” said The Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety. “The scrawling of racial slurs, however, is a hateful and hurtful act of vandalism, and cannot be tolerated. Such a cowardly act of intimidation has absolutely no place in Canada”, Minister Toews added.

Alice Wong, Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism, added: “Ours is a harmonious society that embraces diversity and finds strength, stability and unity in the coming together of the many cultures and faiths of the world. Those who seek to disrupt the multicultural nature of our society through bigotry and intolerance must be denounced.”

“As Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, I call on all Canadians to reject intolerance. All forms of racism, bigotry and vandalism are unacceptable and completely contrary to Canada’s fundamental values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law”, Minister Kenney said.